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7th May 2004, 01:09 PM
When it was originally city and country first's,[1928-1986]city had won 53, country 10 and 1 draw.Then it was changed to city and country origin [from 1987]city has won 9 and country 5

1995 CITY 16-8 @ wollongong
1996 COUNTRY 18-16 @ wollongong
1997 COUNTRY 17-4 @ newcastle
2001 COUNTRY 42-10 @ bathurst
2002 CITY 26-16 @ wagga wagga
2003 CITY 17-16 @ gosford

7th May 2004, 02:37 PM
Who cares?

Seriously, like almost all Queenslanders, I couldn't care less about this game. I doubt if I'll even watch a minute of it. Do NSW people really get interested in it? After all, most of the top NSW players aren't even playing, are they?

8th May 2004, 12:03 AM
That’s what I like to see sportznut, a bit of positive feedback. GO COUNTRY!! :smile: