View Full Version : 100 PPs

7th May 2004, 10:40 PM
Here is something that I have been playing with over the last ten days. Will only be easily copied by those who can get the Sydney Morning Herald --- but may work with some other pre-post prices also.

Three simple rules --- takes about three minutes to decide the bets!!

1) Sole prepost favourite in the SMH indicated at less than $3.00.

2) Filter by ruling out all but sole UniTAB 100 raters for a particular race.

3) No races with less than eight starters (unless late scratching of course).

Since last Thursday week (with the exception of Sunday --- you have to have a day off :smile:. Actually I don't get the Sunday Herald. Have enough to read from the Saturday edition!) the results have been:

26 qualifying races 17 winners (65.4%) and 21 placings (80.8%). For winners they produced 73.1% POT; for placings 8.2% POT. Not a bad effort :grin:

Will it hold up? I have no idea. I have been surprised at how few actually qualify. Today there were 10 horses pre-post at less than $3.00; but only two qualified.

Oh, by the way, they both won. Lion Eyes at Townsville; Jewel Attraction at Wagga :grin: :grin:

By definition, of course, qualifiers will tend to be favourites; but in those ten days there was one winner at $5.00 and only 4 at odds on. Enjoy!

7th May 2004, 11:58 PM
:grin: :grin: :grin: :wink:

8th May 2004, 12:01 AM
Sound pretty good, but Regarding rule 2 "Filter by ruling out all but sole UniTAB 100 raters for a particular race"...I'm not quite sure what you mean...how do I find the top rater on Uni Tab?


8th May 2004, 12:07 AM
Yes please, white no sugar :smile:

They list their ratings free of charge, with other details for each race. Go there and have a bit of a gander.



<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Unlucky Phil on 2004-05-08 01:09 ]</font>

8th May 2004, 06:59 AM
Hi, Coffee. Phil obviously gets up before me! Yes, go to the link he gives --- you will find the ratings on the right hand side of each race's list of horses.

One thing that is not obvious, if its your first visit to UniTAB, is that if you click the 'Racing' tab on the opening screen, a whole new series of possibilities is revealed. I find their 'Results and Search' facility particularly useful. Cheers.

8th May 2004, 10:43 AM
i was looking for todays selection but don't have SMH so i used the tab form online this is what i got would be interested in the differences you get

PR 1/1 VOLITION less than 8 starters
PR 4/6 PRINCE OF VASAC less than 8 starters

lets see how these goes

oops have to check number of starters for those races

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Shaun on 2004-05-08 11:45 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Shaun on 2004-05-08 11:52 ]</font>

8th May 2004, 11:54 AM
Hi Shaun. Thanks for the post.

I did check the WA TAB ratings (I presume this is what you mean) this morning to see how they compared. Found that on the whole the prices were almost exactly the same as the SMH (just a little harder to read --- papers do have some advantages!)

Not many selections today. The SMH came up with Sydney 1, Trezevant; Gold Coast 1, Amaizing Style; and Belmont 1, Volition.

I noted that the Gold Coast candidate was scratched; but didn't realize that the Belmont Race had come back to 7 starters --- and so I backed Volition! Oh well.

I noticed that PR2 My Thornbird and MR 3 Beautiful Gem qualified using those WATAB prices, so decided to have a flutter --- but, of course, won't include them as qualifiers (nor Prince of Vasac).

So the system is concluded for the day with a winner from the only qualifier --- at very skinny odds. Still a winner is a winner.

Actually, since I started following the system, this is the first day there has only been one qualifier. Usually 3 - 4 each day!

8th May 2004, 07:49 PM
I only included the 5 states major races from the original 5 2 were non qualifiers because of less than 8 starters so that left 3 for 2 wins @ 1.30 2.00 and a second placeing one of the other 2 did win @1.80 not bad but skinny prices...from your tests that you did do you have an average price for the win

9th May 2004, 08:45 AM
Average price of the winners was $2.58. Of all win bets (including 9 losers) return was $1.72 per bet. As you say sounds skinny. But, remember, that's a 72% POT :grin:

Place the return was much lower --- $29.12 for a $27.00 outlay just under $1.08 per bet --- but still an 8% POT!

9th May 2004, 04:22 PM
nothing wrong with skinny prices most pros are happy with 15% POT