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View Full Version : Darcy - Can't e-mail you

4th June 2004, 01:04 PM
Darcy - You sent me an e-mail on 2/6 asking a question about a database - For some reason when I return an e-mail to you it bounces back at me - Here is the answer to your question:

Yes - in a query dates must be put in as a number. Using your eg the criteria in the db need to say:

Between #01/01/03# AND #29/05/04#

or if you want to use a form and have two date fields on it your criteria could be

Between [Forms]![FormName]![Date1] and [Forms]![FormName]![Date2]

where the form have 2 fields (textboxes) called date1 and date2. This form would need to be open when you run query.