View Full Version : plea to testarossa

20th June 2004, 10:07 AM
i was going through an old thread from 2002 and you mentioned your place betting and staking systems that had turned $800 into $13000...
you had 142 places from 163 bets with a average return of $1.30..

how is it going now in 2004??? still getting your good return as in 2002.

21st June 2004, 08:03 AM
anybody following this one through???
the previous thread was a place system with a very high strike rate ..combine selections in 2,3,4 or even 5 all up bets and your onto a winner..if getting $1.30 back for the place the profits still roll in ...the big question is the high striking place system...anyone ????

21st June 2004, 08:51 AM
further to above ..
did you happen to see the place rusults for the tabq 100 pointers at port yesterday???
targeting field size 8-12 after scracthings you ended up with 5 bets with all 5 placing..

21st June 2004, 09:27 AM
Paul, I have tried to follow T's system a few times. It is deceptively easy, and a result like you indicated at Port yesterday encourages one to think that it might be the answer!

1) Testarossa does indicate that he achieved his success with only about three bets per week. In other words he is very careful! Most, myself included, tend to think we can do better and move the rate along more quickly.

2) This will work, but when you lose a bet, it is a long haul back at only an average return of $1.30 per bet.

3) Note that he starts with a fairly large bet ($50.00 on each series); so after the first bets you lose, at that rate, $200.00 minimum each time you suffer a loss. Of course you can bet with a smaller amount; but the rate of success money-wise is going to be slower.

Hope these thoughts help a bit.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Merriguy on 2004-06-21 10:31 ]</font>

21st June 2004, 09:49 AM

yes interesting points...thanks for the info