View Full Version : sportz's wet tracks

captain charger
7th July 2004, 11:16 AM
Hullo Sportznut,don't know if this has been mentioned before,but with your outside barrier system do the state of the track make any difference,i.e. heavy track,don't bet. cheers

captain charger
7th July 2004, 11:38 AM
Also Sportz,I noticed in one of your threads a horse was under $4 but pp was $5 the next day.You said you use courier mail on fridays,do you re- check on Saturday,if so,which price do you go on? cheers

8th July 2004, 08:26 AM
Captain, I do use prices from Saturday's paper, but if you want to use Friday's you can. As for wet tracks, I haven't really worried much about them before, but I've noticed a few poor results on wet tracks in Victoria recently, so maybe it might be an idea to think about deleting them.

captain charger
9th July 2004, 10:11 AM
nks Sportz,normally I would advise not to bet on ''heavy'' but at times I haven't had the discipline and it costs me money,can anybody tell me how long it take sto learn.

9th July 2004, 03:34 PM
If you're like 99% of punters, you'll probably never learn. Yesterday, I made a bad betting mistake, and I said I wouldn't do it again. Well, it took me all of ONE DAY to go and make the same mistake again!!! :roll: