View Full Version : Average price winners

24th July 2004, 03:51 PM
I had a search on the forum but could not find what i wanted...can anyone tell me the average price of the tabs 1-5 winners

say tab number 1 average price for the win
tab number 2 average price for the win
and so on to number 5 thanks

Chrome Prince
24th July 2004, 06:17 PM
On 2004-07-24 16:51, Shaun wrote:
I had a search on the forum but could not find what i wanted...can anyone tell me the average price of the tabs 1-5 winners

say tab number 1 average price for the win
tab number 2 average price for the win
and so on to number 5 thanks

TAB #1 $4.52 average
TAB #2 $5.94 average
TAB #3 $6.26 average
TAB #4 $6.89 average
TAB #5 $7.95 average

Hope this helps.

24th July 2004, 06:41 PM
Yes thanks mate exactly what i wanted....one day i would like to setup my own data base...but always seams like to much hard work....good thing we have dedicated people on this forum with the tools needed