View Full Version : 9/4 Staking Plan

10th September 2004, 09:57 AM
Hi All

I'm trying to recall the 9/4 staking plan. From memory you needed to average a price of 9/4, or in real terms at the tote, 13/4, about your horse and the progressive plan then went something like 22334455689 over a series of around 9 or 10 losses. The idea is to reduce after a win to get to profit.

Anyone recall the exact progression. I know I should be able to work it out, but I can't.



10th September 2004, 10:13 AM
Dino, have a look at


The search facility in the forums is great. Not a lot of forumites seem to use it, however (but then again how would I know). Good luck with your efforts. Your posts seem to indicate that you are getting somewhere.

10th September 2004, 10:16 AM
Hi Merriguy

You must have gotten in just before me. I'd been so frustrated trying to work it out I completely overlooked the search facility. I have it now though, thanks.



13th September 2004, 04:39 AM
9/4 Staking Plan
2223458,12,17,24,36 =115
This gives you a run of 11

Stop at 5 losses in a row, then start from the beginning.
Repeat winning bet, if dividend ends up paying less than 9/4=3.30 (rounded up from $3.25)

Remember to start at the beginning if at any stage you experience 5 losses in a row . This is important.

It reduces the massive losses that progressive staking plans can incure.

This allowes for 26 outs
9 lots of $1
5 lots of $2
4 lots of $3
4 lots of $4
2 lots of $5
1 lot of $6
1 lot of $7
Total $70 for 26 bets

The idea is that you keep going up the ladder until you are in profit at any stage .
Best to have 3 banks or more of $70

Try to bet on Mules paying $3.20+
This can be done by looking at the tipsters poll in the newspaper , if the top selection is paying $3.20+ ,you bet it .
If its paying less than $3.20 ,bet the 2nd selection if its paying $3.20+ etc.

The top 2 in tipsters polls ,regardless of which newspaper , have a 45% SR year in year out it never seems to change , you could call this a recurring factor.
Its not a good idea to follow individual tipsters because their top 2 is about 36% & they have longer runs of outs between wins.

13th September 2004, 05:56 AM
I don't know how you do your calculations, but I have to argue this point.
It might be an oversight on my behalf at this stage, so apologies in advance.
Have you done a running total of all the 26 bets, assuming one gets 26 losses in a row, then what is the running total ? and what is the minimum divs to break even to the nearest zero?

according to my calculations, by the time you get to bet 8, you have paid $8.00 in bets.
(by using a running total)
If then bet 9 is still 1 unit ($1.00),then how can you possibly claim profit on a div paying anything less than $9.00 ?

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: puntz on 2004-09-14 15:54 ]</font>

13th September 2004, 06:40 AM
Hi Puntz,
You are correct ,that`s what would have to happen .

One keeps going along until at some stage that they are in profit.
You may note that there is no claim of being in profit once only one winner is struck ,it relies on a series of winners ,within the 26 bets as one goes up the ladder ,win loose or draw, until in front.

I was only suggesting to back Mules of some value e.g.$3.20 as to avoid betting odds on Mules.

It controls the bet oulay a bit more but patience is required with this one ,to show a profit.
At the end of the day ,one has to strike the winners, like all staking plans.

14th September 2004, 02:00 PM
Here is another one:
9 bets at $1.00
8 bets at 1.50
7 bets at 2.00
6 bets at 2.50
5 bets at 3.00
4 bets at 3.50
3 bets at 4.00
2 bets at 4.50
6 bets at 5.00

50 bets with a bank of $130.
when you strike a winner go back to the level of loss and start there.
Think I got in from the maxims that Turf monthly put out about 20 years ago.

16th September 2004, 09:27 AM
Hi All,

Normally a place man myself,

I have played with this 9/4 staking plan before, on paper,.... and found that once you get a few loosers in a row say seven, eight, it really eats into the bank, what Bhagwan says i feel is the key, i looked over my months and months of "paper bets" and found that my run of outs were occasionally 7-12 in a row, only happened three times over about six months but if i were punting with folding it would have hurt.
I looked at what BW wrote about stopping the progression after 5 outs in a row and re calculated my paper bets and found that although one would loose say 15 on the trot, (2,2,2,3,4 x 3 = 15 losses, and 39 units), that only equated to 39 units before one SHOULD strike a win sequence of some sort soon, this was much better than 2,2,2,3,4,5,8,12,17,24,36,53,77,113,1660....ouch !
My question though is,
What progression do we take after say:
initial bank to start.....1000 units
strike run of outs ........17,
Bank after run of outs......1150 units,still in front !

?Do we stay with 2,2,2,3,4,5,8 etc until we get to a goal or as i suspect keep bets at minimum, if we restart after 5 losses, then what is the point of the continuation of the series (5,8,12,17,24,36)????,

The dingo

16th September 2004, 10:46 AM
If you keep striking 5 losses in a row, then it's probably the method of selection.

The rules to the 9/4 are exactly as stated when I first read it. Nothing has been changed.

What I have done though is fine tuned one of many selection methods and use the 9/4, for side bets over time,for example.

Supposing the minimum bet is 2,then the series on the minimums add up to 115
Supposing to all the figures you add a 0, then 2 becomes 20 units, total loss then is 1115
Supposing then you half that again, so the 20 becomes 10, then the total loss is 575.

To do this all ya do is multiply the mimnimum by 2,5,10, or 100, whatever you want to afford.

It is still seperate to HOW one makes their respective selections.

BW is right in saying have 3 "portfolios" of 9/4 runs,in principle. Could be your 1st,2nd or 3rd favoured/rated selections.
Then why not just hedge the 3 if one goes to that extreme?

18th September 2004, 08:13 AM
The continuation of the series only comes into it, if we have struck a winner paying less the 9/4 required.

18th September 2004, 09:05 AM
then that goes to the next "platau" in one's own bet management.

For example: ( and this may be for ANY betting stratagy)

BANK :100

next day,
repeat the above,etc etc.
Sort of compounding.

day 3:
BANK : 165 ? (rough figures)

Let's say the base bank to start with is 115,to sustain the 11 losses.
115 + 25 % profit,then stop.

3 losses, stop for THE DAY, but continue the next day in the 9/4 system progression.
When you strike a winnner and it may pay unders, then see if that is the percentages in the overall profit.
Meaning, even if you strike a winner,but if that makes your profit allowance increase by the 75% of the 25%, still stop.
Continue the next day....

later I will review this cos I wrote in a very much hurry and may make some changes with exact fugures.

18th September 2004, 06:36 PM
assuming the way one selects is all taken care of.
How many selections one bets on in a race is not the point here right now either.

It's about before the start of the day and the bet bank.

To keep it basic and stay focused on principles, lets say the bet bank is 100.00

How much does one want to make, and how many bets does one want to bet for the day?
There are 2 ways I know.
Firstly,if you are winning,why stop ?
Secondly,if you are winning,why stop ?

I prefer the latter, "if I am winning, I have a goal and if it's reached,stop for the day".

day 1:
100 (bank)
25 % goal to profit on bank (125)
bet limit ?
are you going to bet 100 to make 25 ?
or are you going to bet to a % limit of your bank?
Are you going to bet to a limit determined by the target ? Meaning, 100% bet limit of target, so the cost of your bet is 25 to make 25 profit ?

Supposing the first bet wins, it costed 5.00
and it paid 3.50 ( was showing 5.00 for win,but paid unders)
5.00*3.5, return 17.50 - 5.00 (cost)
profit 12.50
Your bank is now 112.50
Stop ?
Stop when the bank reaches the minimum of 75% of the proposed target for the day. 118.50

Day 2:
118.50, or 125.00 or more, depending what your selections pay.

How does a, 9/4 fit in all this ?

It does,it's seperate again to the above examples.
So there are 3 strategies in one.

1. Selections
2 Staking your selections
(9/4 is one example)

3. Management of the profit for the day.

"management for the day",in my opinion does not nescesarily take into account if one hedges 3 selections,bets just 1 selections, or does a "Betfair" method of,betting.

It just determines in a uniform way to use percentages to when stop or keep going.

How much one want's to make, if they want to make 50 % profit increase on the bank, it is still stop when you reach 75% of the 50% target.
These % variables, only the owner of the bank can determine what they want.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: puntz on 2004-09-18 19:52 ]</font>

20th September 2004, 09:15 AM
BGHWAN.Have you heard of this staking plan.
Bet 6 % of you average strike rate.

i.e 25 % strike rate X 6% = 1.5

Bet 1.5 % of your bank on each selection.


21st September 2004, 06:37 AM
That`s very good Darky ,I hav`nt seen that one before.