View Full Version : Has SmartGambler made much money for you?

21st September 2004, 06:34 PM
I'm not a member of the site but thinking i will do within the next couple days. Just curious on how well everyone is doing from the advice given?

Mr J
22nd September 2004, 05:40 AM
Did very well off the MLB and tennis. Can't comment on the other packages though.

Since I've bet tennis, I made around 30 units in the last 3 tennis months of last year. I missed most of this year under the old capper but finished 5 units down. The new capper is up around 25 units. So +50 units over 7-8 betting months.

MLB made just over 40 units this year. By the time I started betting, they were already up 15-20 units. By jumping off and on at the right times I made nearly 50 units (the package made just over 40).

My tennis unit is 3.3% and my MLB unit is 2%. As you can see I achieved better than 100% on each of these packages.

If you are thinking about any of these packages, I can vouch for the results of the tennis and MLB. You can also email smartgambler and they'll put you in touch with other members. Packages aren't cheap (esp for smaller gamblers) but the ones I've joined so far are definately worth it.

Also, I know at least one of the directors (of smartgambler) bets on several of these packages which says something in itself.

Mr J
22nd September 2004, 05:41 AM
BTW, the old tennis capper made 80 units last year.