View Full Version : Please help re Trifecta dividends

3rd April 2002, 10:52 AM
Dear all - I am in the middle of trying to work out projected returns on trifecta bets.

If a div is published at $10,000 it is fair to say that if you were theoretically an extra winner then you will get approx $10,000 for a unit.

I want to work out what happens if you theoretically had 10 units on that particular trifecta. Obviously the final div is then reduced due to pool limit and the fact that 10 extra units were winners.

I understand the mathematics and have made my own projections but how do I find out how many winners there were when a particular dividend is published??

I have seen trifecta divs published at $10,000 when the pool size on an internet site says the trifecta pool was $7,500 only!!

How can this be and how do I get the right figures? It is very important that I learn this lesson as it directly affects a project I am working on at present.

Anyone that can help please do - I would be forever grateful.

Mr. Logic
3rd April 2002, 01:30 PM
"If a div is published at $10,000 it is fair to say that if you were theoretically an extra winner then you will get approx $10,000 for a unit."

If $10,000 was available for distribution and you had an extra $1.00 unit on the winning combination you would recive $5000.
You already know that.

"How do I find out how many winners there were when a particular dividend is published??"

This is not made public. You can work out how many winning units were on, but that could be one punter or it might be 50.

"I have seen trifecta divs published at $10,000 when the pool size on an internet site says the trifecta pool was $7,500 only!!
How can this be and how do I get the right figures?"

Where that occurs contact the TAB and ask them to correct the figures.

Mr. Logic

3rd April 2002, 02:02 PM
Thanks Mr Logic. I knew I could rely on you. To paraphrase your answers then the figure shown in the trifecta pool at the time a race jumps should be fairly close to the total available for distribution - is that correct? And if there is a discrepancy I can call the TAB for the correct figures.

And my mistake re "how many winners there are" I am just interested in how many units of course - not punters.

Mr. Logic
3rd April 2002, 07:06 PM
"The figure shown in the trifecta pool at the time a race jumps should be fairly close to the total available for distribution - is that correct?"

I actually think that is the total betting pool before the tote's cut. With trifectas approximately 20% is taken out.
You should be able to confirm one way or another about this with your TAB. I am sure everyone here would be like to know for certain whether that tote pool they see is all returned in dividends.

mr magic
5th April 2002, 07:53 AM
In NSW and its flexi betting option, it is possible for a trifecta pool to be $10000 and the dividend to be say $160000. That is, if the pool of $10000 is reduced to $8000 after the take and the only correct trifecta combination was by a punter who had a flexi bet which gave him 5% of the dividend. That punter then has a ticket worth 5% of $160000 which is $8000.
A simplistic example but I think it answers the question.