View Full Version : retirement staking plan figures check

4th November 2004, 08:44 AM
Hi all,

I have been playing with this retirement staking plan for a couple of weeks on paper and would like someone to check my figures to see if im doing everything ok before i "let loose". I am also concerned if this will work ok for place betting ?

My "divisor" is i believe is 1.2, that is i place bet, average win is 1.6 units, less 1 unit invested equals lets say .6, multiplied by 2 is 1.2, ???

Bank 1000 at 2 %

Then, for example Grafton 3/11/04,
Race TAB Div Odds Targ Bet Bank1 Bank2
1 2 1.2 1.4 24 20 980 1008
2 x 1.2 los 24 20 988 988
3 1 1.2 1.3 44 37 951 999
4 5 1.2 1.5 25 21 978 1009
5 2 1.2 los 24 20 989 989
6 1 1.2 1.8 44 37 952 1018
7 1 1.2 1.9 24 20 998 1036
end of bets.

I think it is right, the part where i add the loss to the target gets me a little unstuck sometimes but i think i am correct in that say at race 4 i added 1 more unit to the target as i was at 999 ? or do i just stick with the plan ?

I would appriecitae some help with this one, im not sure if it is ok for place betting as i said though ?

My selection criteria is still working ok also for the place stuff,
Qtab favs, good last four jumps, mixed with late mail, market movers (nsw TAB) 5 before jump and away we go ! (two screens at once sure plays with the eyes).

Thanks all in advance,

4th November 2004, 09:39 AM
hi dingo, the figures look ok, your divisor & target are correct, the only thing i dont get is the 2 banks?

have you got this setup in excel? if so i can set you up with the formulas to ensure you target etc are calculated correctly - let me know if you want a hand.

the only other thing i would add is i wonder if this plan is realy suitable for place betting, as after doing a bit of reading it seems to be a plan devised for win only?

4th November 2004, 10:05 AM
Gday stugots,

There is no "two banks" im just hopeless when it comes to putting my thoughts down on paper,
What i have shown was my actual "paper bet" from yesterday, the first "column" is my current bank AFTER the bet unit is taken out and the next bank 2 "column" is the ongoing bank, lets call it a progressive total column.
Yeah i mucked arround with excel and got it sort of working, my missus is a jet at it (being an accountant) but you just know if i ask her to do it for me she will clue on to what it is for,........then she will want to know how much,.......how often,....etc, etc so ill do it with the cunning kit for a while AND THEN SHOW HER THE PROFITS,....hopefully.
Seriously though, you think my divisor is ok and that im on the right track, this is a good start, i would be interested in the excel info though.

Dingo (who cant spell)

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: dingoboy on 2004-11-04 11:06 ]</font>

4th November 2004, 07:16 PM
heh, yes in these situations its probably best to let the missus in on it only when the cash is flowing in the right direction!

13th November 2004, 04:09 PM
surely some bright spark has an excel spreadsheet up 'n running for this retirement staking plan.

How about making it available?

Dirk Gently
15th November 2004, 05:42 PM
Hi Dingo, I can't help thinking that you are looking at the trees and not the forest. That is, don't get tangled in the fine details. I too use the retirement plan but I modified it to fit my punting habits which is to place all my bets at the start of the day.
The way I do it is to look at four races as one "bet" in the plan so I only change my divisor and/or amount bet from day to day. I still use the priciple of the plan of chasing losses with a brake and a maximum stake. It is the first loss-chasing plan I have EVER considered because of the saftey factors built in. In my case it has turned a 13%POT into a 20% POT, so I'm happy. I'm happy to send you my result sheet (excel)if you want. email ewan@phaedrus.com.au

16th November 2004, 01:37 PM
Hi Dirk Gently,

I have sent said email,

Thanks heaps

good 4th
16th November 2004, 06:27 PM
Hi Dirk
Could you shed some light on how you bet (four races) as one, within the betting frame of the six point plan.


Dirk Gently
16th November 2004, 07:17 PM
If only I could paste in from excel (can you do that?) as they say, a spreadsheet speaks even more words than a picture.
What I started from was my bank figure: $200, I'm confident enough to bet 2.5 % which is $5 a race. Average return is 2-1 so divisor is 4, target becomes 4x5 $20. That is all according to the plan, basically I just do the recalculation of target, divisor and amount to bet at the end of four races instead of each race, i.e I'm committed to the same size bet for the whole day. The only real departure from the original plan is that I change my divisor as I feel comfortable betting so the bet size doesn't increase too sharply. My divisor for a long run of outs normally goes 4, 6, 8, 10 (changing day to day)until you are betting double your original stake (in my case $10) AND I NEVER BET MORE THAN THIS ON A LOSING RUN. This is the best principle of the plan. I think Bahgwan suggested a break from betting if your losing streak hits about 12? and to start again only once you have hit a winner on paper. I think this is also a good saftey mechanism to combine with this plan.

16th November 2004, 11:06 PM
Dirk Gently, mmmmm, thats not quite what I thought, unless I've missed it? see I actually count the days investments as "ONE" bet i.e. whatever the next stake is, is divided by the number of bets eg. say the next target is $100 with a divisor of say 4, then the amount to be invested is $25, so say there is 5 horses for that day then the bet is $5 on each.

just for the sake of example , lets say that 3 horses win and I have a total return of $62.50c, so that is equivolent to a 6-4 winner overall. i.e. $25 staked (in total) for a return of $62.50c so 6-4 overall.

Another scenario, say there is only one winner for a return of $12.50, so that is equivlent to .5 (of the total stake) so the next days investments are worked out accordingly. The average price is determined (over time) in the usual way i.e. total returns to a level stake divided by the number of winners.

Dirk Gently
17th November 2004, 08:11 AM
I thought about doing it that way but I know from experience that my divisor will end up being about 1.1 (10%POT) so my target is what I bet in total each day.
Like I've said before, I like the principle of the plan (as I understand it) and I just modified the mechanics of the thing to suit my habits. I don't think the details are going to change your profit much.....it is only a staking plan after all!

Dingo, If you are looking at high strike-rate place betting can you retofit a double-up staking plan to your results? I've always found you generally double profit this way and it may be more applicable than the retirement plan since you are dealing with a high strike rate, and you are betting race to race anyway.

17th November 2004, 10:14 AM
Hi there,

Wow, this is starting to get a little bit over my head,

Whats double up staking plan, sorry am i correct in that you are sujesting that i back for a place, if i loose then double the bet on the next, and so on until a winner, ooohhhh im not that confidant yet if thats the case, maybe when i retire from work and become a professional punter, but not just yet.

I like Partypoopers set up for his days bets, thats what i thought your set up was Dirk, both systems have their merrits, but i might stick to my basic stuff for a while until i get some time up so to speak.
A question in regards to the percentage of the bank to invest, if place betting, there are more "winners" and therefore less or shorter loosing streaks, would i be better off using say 10 % of the bank, or play it safe and use only 2 or 3 %.

Regards Dingo

Dirk Gently
17th November 2004, 06:26 PM
Hi dingo, I tried to email you the excel stuff but it got bounced back.
Sorry about the ambiguous double-up suggestion. What I was suggesting is this:
bet one unit each race regardless, if the previous runner came in bet the total won (stake+dividend) on this race as well. This plan relies on clusters of winners. I'll send you a simulation spreadsheet if you can work out how to get my emails through!
There was many place staking plans discussed about six months back if you want to search for them.
Cheers, Dirk

18th November 2004, 06:36 AM
Hi Dirk,

Have had heaps of my customers say the same thing about the emails,
Try sending in plain format, sometimes the system thinks its a "bug" or something and doesnt allow it to go through.