View Full Version : Pre-Post and the Net.

20th December 2004, 05:34 AM
Try this one....www.australianracing.com click on "racing info" and then "overnights". It's Aussie racing for the American public. I think they show about 2 meetings per day and the PP prices are from AAP. (I think) These prices stay on the net for a week or so after the days racing.

To-day they are showing Sale and Cessnock....and the prices are already there for Geelong and Tamworth to-morrow.

Hope this helps.


20th December 2004, 06:16 AM
Yeah, those prices are usually exactly the same as those on the WA Tabform site and they come out nice and early. However, as you said, they only give you two meetings and sometimes not all races at those meetings.

20th December 2004, 06:26 AM
It's a pity they are a day behind us.A day ahead and we are all laughing.