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View Full Version : Disappearing Acts.....

the mug
12th January 2005, 07:59 PM
I may be wrong and i may have had one too many heinekens but did 2 threads just disappear within the space of 90 minutes????

My (very limited)kingdom for the powers of a forum moderator..
Are we not to ask/question anything anymore?

12th January 2005, 08:20 PM
The forums are provided by a commercial entity at considerable expense in IT support and employee time. Why should we pay money to be unduly criticised?

We expect guests to understand and appreciate this. If they wish to persist in being a negative influence with criticisms of this FREE service, we think it's better for all concerned if they go elsewhere.

We're sure there are plenty of forums where people who like to persistently criticise can express themselves freely. Probably some of the forums that charge a membership fee are quite good in that respect.

Even if one accepts that the customer is always right, guests on this forum are not customers. A customer is someone who pays for a service or goods. This forum is FREE.
