View Full Version : The Power Factors

2nd February 2005, 05:12 PM
This little system uses the more powerful factors that I've found on this forum:
T.A.B. #1-4
Last Start Winner within 7 days:Metro only
30% Strike Rate plus
56-60 kg.
Saturday only.
Just wondering what happens if you put it altogether?
I know that Local Legend won at Belmont last Saturday fulfilling all these parameters.....it made me curious.....I know it killed the cat but I gotta know.:)

2nd February 2005, 06:21 PM
Hey there Nick, included is a zip file of a doc file (which was too big for upload) of a word doc of results for your systems for 4 years of Saturdfays. With thse rules applied.

2nd February 2005, 06:48 PM
Any way you can check these betting to return $100 as opposed to a level stake?

3rd February 2005, 01:27 AM
Thanks laish for the reply-a pretty comprehensive loss there!
Guess if you bet on betfair and then staked it with the retirement plan you'd be going o.k.....but there are better ways to plonk your money away than placing it on some system that doesn't even work in the first place!

3rd February 2005, 02:50 PM
The more logical the system rules, the shorter the prices. A key factor that no one has heard of that finds plenty of winners may be what were after????

I've yet to find it, but there are alot of system sellers who apparently have.

3rd February 2005, 04:09 PM
Topweight with this form line 110

5th February 2005, 09:47 PM
Hey Do you have any ideas for selections during the week? Would the seven day work then?

7th February 2005, 10:47 AM
Drop me a line at
And I will put you onto something that has proved vey successful on a daily basis.