View Full Version : Betting by phone and Internet

8th May 2002, 01:43 AM
Hi peoples
Just (another) stupid question- It seems to get money into a TAB account is easy- via Bank, etc. They (Tab)do not seem to cater for big withdrawals though- I think the max is $500 a day! I do not see a transfer from the TAB to the Bank either...

Does that mean nobody makes serious money at the TAB? I have a foreboding...

Is the alternate Ozbet(?) better? And how do you get your millions out once you actually won it?

8th May 2002, 06:37 AM
The $500 max generally applies to cash withdrawals from a TAB branch (although some will go higher from certain main branches or with prior notice, etc). All TAB's will send you a cheque for any amount (up to your account balance!) which you can collect or they will post to you. For larger punters they will also arrange direct crediting to your bank account if you are making regular withdrawals. Ring your TAB's customer service line for more info - they are usually quite nice/helpful people!

PS. Ozbet (I am assuming you mean ozbet.com.au) is the WA TAB's website so it is the TAB!

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: becareful on 2002-05-08 07:39 ]</font>

13th May 2002, 02:02 AM

Equine Investor
13th May 2002, 09:15 AM
If you tell your TAB agent in advance(the day before) they can always accomodate you in cash or issue a cheque on the spot.