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View Full Version : dobbins tresure chest

Hay Chee
9th February 2005, 03:16 PM
hello has anyone hear used dobbins tresure chest I read punt to win and i wunder wat any of u think about it. If u have used it let me know It seems as good as my visulisation

9th February 2005, 05:35 PM
I you belive that then you are bigger fool than i though you were

9th February 2005, 06:05 PM

You are quite naughty. You should know that visualisation is the cats whiskers....didn't you see Dobbin dumping in tha treasure chest. Mate, it took 3 weeks to flush out the chaff seeds. Have a little bit more respect for Hay Chee's long-drop.



Hay Chee
10th February 2005, 12:38 PM
Someone must have used it come on tell us how it went