View Full Version : STATS-onbeaten last start fovorites

9th May 2002, 11:22 AM
Stats on beaten last favorites, winning next time out,
is only 17% based over last 2 years any where in the country.

mr magic
9th May 2002, 01:07 PM
If they win at an average of 6/1 or better we're on to something.

9th May 2002, 04:07 PM
I agree with mr magic, surely we can cull some of the "false" favourites (is there a better terminology?) and get something out of this. Can't rely on the 6/1 aspect, so work it the other way.

19th May 2002, 08:10 AM
This figure is posted to show that this popular perception ,that it is a strong feature in a prospective selection is shown here to be a faulshood.

The stats. reflect that it`s not a strong feature & they are often overbet therefor the short prices when the do get up.

I feel that framing systems around this single feature would be a wast of time.

At only 17% you would have to have a min. acceptable price of $5.90 to break even.
I would`nt recommend any plan based on last start favourites based around this popular misconception.