View Full Version : Help on Staking plans...

good 4th
25th February 2005, 05:35 PM
Can anyone help me with these plans..
And maybe show me a work out..

Rice Bowl.
This plan i need all the workouts if possible.

Square root plan.
Ive read a little about this plan, maybe there is some more info im missisng.

With the Square root when do you stop?
If you stop when your in front it goes against the idea?

La Mer
25th February 2005, 06:06 PM
Can anyone help me with these plans..
And maybe show me a work out..

Rice Bowl.
This plan i need all the workouts if possible.

Square root plan.
Ive read a little about this plan, maybe there is some more info im missisng.

With the Square root when do you stop?
If you stop when your in front it goes against the idea?

There are better staking plans than this around, it really depends on what you are attempting to achieve.

Perhaps Crash can assist with some help.

25th February 2005, 08:57 PM
See previous page for my thread on progression staking.

If you can't make a profit by betting flat stakes you won't with the staking plans [ pyramid progression plans ] you mention either.

Concentrate on winning and build your Bank up slowly with flat stakes using a % of your bank per bet would be my best advice.

25th February 2005, 11:31 PM
Amen Crash - as always you are spot on. Heed his advice, he speaks the truth

good 4th
26th February 2005, 05:57 AM
Thanks for the advice.
I just want the work outs for theses plans.

Im fully aware there are better plans and all the other stuff, im just intersted in the work outs.
So if anyone can help??? Cheers

26th February 2005, 06:17 AM
Hi Good 4th.
Heres a staking plan one might like to check out.

Run of 43 bets for bank of $200

We keep going upwards through the sequence ,even if it wins , until we are 2.5%-5% profit to bank e.g. $5.00-$10.00
Once one has got to the end of 2nd $8.00 bet without a profit, one has to rule off, win loose or draw & start again with another $200 bank.

This plan can work better than level stakes if of course one can pick some winners that fall in the appropriate sequence, that`s the tricky bit with all progression plans .
With this one , we have 43 goes at it. You should do well with it if you have the patience to cherry pick your races.

This plan has managed to show a profit where there was a -20% level stakes loss.

La Mer
26th February 2005, 09:57 AM
Thanks for the advice.
I just want the work outs for theses plans.

Im fully aware there are better plans and all the other stuff, im just intersted in the work outs.
So if anyone can help??? Cheers

Well post a set of selections as an Excel file & I'll work them thru 4 u.

good 4th
27th February 2005, 09:07 AM
Also some other plans im after.

Count down to profits.
Money facrory.

If any one has any work outs for theses......thanks

good 4th
27th February 2005, 09:11 AM
Thanks guys for your replys at, this stage im only after a collection of staking plans.

Every thing i have shows a loss........ so i find it of no value to post any results.

Thanks Bhagwan thats a good one....


27th February 2005, 03:49 PM
God thats an old one and one I havent seen since the early 80,s.