View Full Version : Handicap system/method

2nd March 2005, 01:08 PM
Here is a simple system/method that requires no form study,it's purely mechanical,no rocket science required.
Rule 1)operate on Sydney & Melbourne Saturday meetings
Rule2)operate on open handicaps & Welters only
Rule3)only consider Tab nos 1,2 and 3
Rule4)the final contender is the one of those 3 ONLY IF it is the prepost fav.
Rule5)odds must be no shorter than 2/1 prepost
Rule6)use a progression of 1-1-2-2-3-4-5-7-9

It's fairly self explanatory,we are letting the handicapper do the work for us by giving us his opinion of the best 3 horses in the race.I know I will cop a lot of flack about using a progression method as opposed to level stakes,but is is a statistical fact that favs win approx 30% of all races,and a 2/1 winner anywhere in the progression will put you in profit.
I would suggest that when a winner is struck,you drop back to the previous bet,and carry on from there.

Any stats men care to check it out?
Of course it could have a lot of tweaking done,like days since last start,recent form ,win% etc.
Any trhoughts would be most welcome.

2nd March 2005, 01:39 PM
Purpleheart, just to get the ball rolling have you thought of betting race to race i.e. alternating between SR & MR in TIME order?? based on the thought that you are unlikely to get a bad day for favs at BOTH venues (well most of the time that is)

2nd March 2005, 10:24 PM
Pp,thanks for your reply. No,I have not considered times as to consecutive races.This plan has been going quite well on paper so far,however,as I do not seem to be amongst the "elite"brigade on this site,hencefororth I do not get any replies to my posts.I thank you for yours..When I used to post under another name,I had quite a following with some of my systems,some of which wherew subsequently "copied"by a now self appointed guru of this forum.Nudge nudge,wink,say no more.
I have quite a few moderately successful systems,but I am not prepared to publish them on here.One of my systems has a consistent win % of 50%,and a place strike of 90%.It is very selective,only about 5 bets per month.However,in 4 years I have turned a starting bank of $1000 into $44000.You can belieive what you want,but I have the money in the bank,and am still going strong.And I am using a progressive staking method,...EDITED

3rd March 2005, 12:06 AM
If I entered the rules correctly using the best of the 3 TABS results are:
01/01/2000 to 28/02/2005
Bets: 452
Wins: 88
W%: 19
POT: -7%
LLWS: 26

Although since Jan 2004 to the end of Feb you would have had
Bets: 72
Wins: 25
W%: 35
POT: +82.6%
LLWS: 14

2000 POT -19.9%
2001 POT -21.3%
2002 POT +5.1%
2003 POT -34.6%
2004 POT +99.2%
Goodluck to you Purpleheart68 hope this helps.


3rd March 2005, 01:04 AM
Purpleheart, glad to hear of your success I do understand what you are saying about levels-v- progressive. But will you do a small excercise for me??? (please)

Just add up the TOTAL amount of stakes you have placed in that time, lets say 50,000 units, (eg only) now divide by the total no of bets eg 500 so = 100 units.

Now, what would have been the return if you had placed 100 units on each horse LEVEL STAKES?

Now convert that into profit on turnover, i.e. PROFITx100 / Total staked

Now compare that to your 44,000x100/ Total staked.

Not having a go at you , I am on your side, just that whenever I've done that equasion turns out that there was no difference to betting level stakes, in terms of POT.

4th March 2005, 09:01 AM
however,as I do not seem to be amongst the "elite"brigade on this site,hencefororth I do not get any replies to my posts.

One of my systems has a consistent win % of 50%,and a place strike of 90%.

Hi Purpleheart,
Can't speak for anyone else but I reply entirely on whether a I want to ask a question or have something to contribute - elite, shmelite, as far as I'm concerned.

This time I want to ask a question. Don't want any clues about your successful system but is it purely mechanical or does the final bet come down to judgement?


6th March 2005, 03:25 PM
Partypooper and Kenny Victor
Have been away for a bit,just got back will answer your questions very soon.please bear with me.