View Full Version : Any ideas ????

17th May 2002, 09:54 AM

Has anybody got any ideas on how to back 5 horses in 1 race and still make a profit regardless of price!! i know it's a curly one but i can get a 50% s/rate by doing this but are baffled how to get it down to less selections or how to bet on all of them i'm not very bright when it comes to these sort of things.

look forward to hearing from you all


17th May 2002, 10:25 AM
Are you talking win bets or place bets? For win bets it is not that hard to work out (but hard to find the right bets to make a profit!).

For win bets the usual way to work out bet sizes for this type of thing is to have a "target amount" that you want to achieve for the race and then divide that by the price for each horse. For example lets say your 5 horses have prices of $3.50, $6.00, $8.00, $10.00 and $15.00. You could set a target dividend of $50.00 - then you just divide that $50.00 by each price to get the bet amount for each horse. So on first selection you would bet $50.00/$3.50 = $14.00, second selection is $50/$6 = $8 etc. This would give your bet amounts of $14, $8, $6, $5 and $3 (rounding to nearest dollar). So your total bet amount would be $36 and your dividend would be between $45 and $54 (depending on the winner).

The main problem you have with this is getting a high enough strike rate without only selecting favourites. In the above example you are getting between $9 and $18 profit on a $36 bet - you would need about a 75% strike rate in the long run for this to be workable. If you have 50% strike rate than you would need your total bet to be no more than $25 (for your $50 target) - this means the ave. div. you need to be working on is about $10. If your average div is less than this then I suggest you probably need to work on reducing your selections a bit more rather than trying to bet on them all.

If you are talking about place bets then it gets a bit harder as you have to work out your average number of winners per race so you can work out the target for each runner.

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: becareful on 2002-05-17 11:29 ]</font>

17th May 2002, 10:48 AM
Heres an idea you might like to try .

1)Only target races where the fav. has a good chance of falling over.

2)Now back all paying $8.00+

17th May 2002, 05:05 PM
Could you please give an example for place betting as I did not think this could be done.

18th May 2002, 08:03 AM
Hi everybody,

thanks for the replies becareful i to would like to see a place betting example, after my post yesterday i added all my races together and worked out the percentage of won races from what i currently have it was 73 races with 48 winners which worked out to be 65.75% strike rate i only had one day where i got less than 4 winners in the day which i got 3 winners and my best was 8/8.

All my prices acheived varied from $2.40 up to yesterday at wangaratta r3 no.15 gleaning which paid $116.00 so you can see why i'm so anxious to get somthing i can play with.

thanks for your comments

18th May 2002, 10:34 AM


That's one way at least.

where there is a sports betting program. Otherwise have a go with the Dutch betting facility on racingandsports website.

18th May 2002, 01:00 PM
thanks for your input fryingpan the calculator looks like it will help me a lot.

much appreciated !!


18th May 2002, 10:37 PM
Please go to "FREE Staker for multiple betting"Posted to this section 2002.5.03 by

23rd May 2002, 12:22 PM
Another idea would be to delete the shortest & widest barrier.
In races with 11+ runners
Now back the remaining 3 at level stakes ,same amount on each.

Let us know what your findings are.