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25th March 2005, 02:18 PM
As follows

The Holy Grail is based on winning very small amounts of money everytime a newspaper, radio or other tipster that you are using picks a winner. By using tipsters you do not have to pore over form for hours, make any judgments, and you cannot make any mistakes

Anyone recognise these words. A friend gave me a copy of it and I'll be blowed if I can figure the thing out. He purchased it some time ago - source unknown to me - no copyright that I can see therefore may qualify as public domain. I suppose I can type the whole thing out, however before I do so I'd like to know what you think about it (assuming youve heard of it)

muchos grascious in advance


25th March 2005, 04:56 PM
darkys HOLY GRAIL system.


Top Rank
25th March 2005, 05:22 PM
Sounds like ridiculous claptrap to me. What makes you think tipsters pore over form for hours, particularly tipsters in newspapers. Am I stating the bleeding obvious, people do realise they are journalists. Probably don't have anymore time or inclination to spending hours over the form than you or I.

If you are using tips from a newspaper you may as well tip yourself. You know just as much and will have just as much success or lack thereof.

25th March 2005, 05:28 PM
But Top Rank, it tells me that

"You are now in possesion of a truly unbeatable racing system"

and that

"We place no particular confidence in any one tipster but have great confidence in the overall results that can be achieved"

Top Rank
25th March 2005, 06:58 PM
It depends on the "creds" of the tipsters. You can stack as many newspaper and racecaller tipsters together as you want. I would back a collection of forumites from here to "out tip" them anyday.

25th March 2005, 07:17 PM
If its this old chestnut .






God .Thats ones as old as I am.Its probably not though and SARGE I am interested in seeing it.

25th March 2005, 07:49 PM
To me this sounds like a [growingly common] lament here in this forum: 'I am so hopeless at doing form and winning by my efforts at such, that I will now not only throw s***t at the value of form study [to excuse how pathetic I am at it], but will grasp at any possible winning straws that avoids coming to terms with this [slowly dawning] reality !!!

25th March 2005, 09:09 PM
Owch Crash and to think you may have missed out on trifold yesterday (a 4yo system selection $11ish it paid)

One may neglect that the Whole system hasnt been posted yet, however one cant neglect the cynicism. Approaching things with an open mind no matter how much we THINK we know is an indicator of how successful we'll be, firstly as human beings maybe even as punters.

Tomorrow I'll tap out the whole article for consideration, my Pop used to say only fools and little children comment on a job before its finished, lets hope its not applicable to us. My experience of this forum thus far has been positive, honest, thoughtful (rather than dismissive) discussion, with a willingness to give a leg up to those who need it. My hope is to purpetuate the example.

Tomorrows 4YO selection is Bris R6:6

ciao for now

25th March 2005, 09:54 PM
"Royal Routine" rears its ugly head again eh Darky.

25th March 2005, 11:34 PM
To me this sounds like a [growingly common] lament here in this forum: 'I am so hopeless at doing form and winning by my efforts at such, that I will now not only throw s***t at the value of form study [to excuse how pathetic I am at it], but will grasp at any possible winning straws that avoids coming to terms with this [slowly dawning] reality !!!
G'day Crash,
Is this posting in the wrong thread? I can't see where anybody is knocking form analysts here.From what I've seen in the short time I've been looking at this forum most contributors just want to exchange ideas, offer assistance and generally natter about our hobby of trying to create systems. We tend not to knock those form analysts who don't want to play(though many do join in and make valuable contributions) so why the constant antipathy on your part. Nobody is forcing you on to this forum and there are plenty of other places where you can vent your spleen.

Maybe you should move your bed away from the wall so you don't have to get out the wrong side every day?

26th March 2005, 06:27 AM
1. Bet only on saturdays at SYD, MEL and BRIS

2. If you do not have a bank then operate the HG on paper until you have a bank available. In any case, it is probably a good idea to operate the HG on paper until you are thoroughly familiare with it.

3. Obtain as many tipsters picks as possible. The more the better. We use all the available newspapers tipsters polls, most favored columns, plus also radiostations, late mail, racing commmentators picks, sportsman, winning post, best bets and several racing services. We place no confidence in any one tipster but have great confidence in the overall results that can be achieved.

4 Decide which tipsters you are going to use. You will use the same tipsters each week, but you can add or delete a tipster at any time depending on results. The absolute minimum is ten tipsters but more is better. If you start with ten tipsters you can build up to more at any time.

5. We have recorded tipsters results for many years and over a year most have a Saturday first pick win strike rate between 18% and 27%. Overall we usually collect from more than 85% of the saturday races we bet on.

6/ The first thing to doon race day is cross out any scratchings. If the first pick is scr, the second pick is the selection (and so on) If all three or four are scratched use the most favoured from the tipsters poll to substitue for that tipster. We also use the most favoured as an additional tipster

7. You will need ruled paper with columns to record your bets on. A suitable form is enclosed which you can copy or photocopy

8 Decide on an amount to win each time a tipster picks a winner, say $1 or $2 or $4 to start. You can increase the amonut later when you have built up your winnings. Do not try to win large amounts, specially at first. Always play it safe

9. It is easy to work out approximately how much you will win in a year. eg There are 24 SYD MEL BRIS races each saturdaytimes 52 weeks = 1248 races per year. 1248 races time 20 tipsters = 24,960 first picks times 22% win strike rate = 5,491 winning picks times $4 won each time = $21,964 profit per year

40 tipsters = 10,982 winning picks times $4 = $43,928 profit PA

After a few years you may build up to a professional punters level of 40 tipsters columns 10,982 picks times $40 = $439,280

10. You will need to know what the picks are paying. This is no problem at the track, club,pub or tab. At home you can use teletext, the internet or the radio

11 At the level we are now betting, we prefer to bet with bookmakers. Dividends never change after the bets are placed which makes our calculations 100% accurate. If at all possible we suggest you bet with bookmakers

12 Examine the enclosed example of operating the HG which is relatively self explanatory

a) the first line (amount to win) is the amount to win each time a winner is picked, in this case $4. After a tipster picks a winner start the column off again with another $4, unless you intend to increase or reduce the amount won per winning pick

b) then enter the horse name or the tote number of the picks (selected race 1)

c) add across the first line (amount to win$) to arrive at the amount required to be won off each horse. In this case

Horse A = $12
Horse B = $12
Horse C = $8

Look up the odds on offer. We have assumed that horse A is at bookmakes odds of 2/1 ($3 to $4 tote) Horse B is at 4/1 (5 to 6 tote) and horse C is 4/1 (5 to $6 tote) therefore
Horse A bet $6 win (total $12 win wanted, spread over 3 tipsters pick, divided by bookmakers odds of 2)
Horse B bet $3 win ( total 12 win wanted, spread over 3 tipsters picks, divided by bookmakers odds of 4)
Horse C bet $2 win (total $8 win wanted, spread over 3 tipsters picks divided by bookmakers odds of 4)
Remember that if you are betting on the tote you need to reduce the figures showing on the tote by 1
eg If a horse is showing a tote div of $5 to $6 , you divide the win wanted total by 4

e) Enter the amounts bet on your form ( amount bet $) When a tipster picks a winner, you collect back all the investments you have made on his tips since he last picked a winner, plus a profit of $4

f After the race enter the amount collected in the approriate column and carry the new totals forward to the next race. The cloumn totals after the last race are carried forward to the first race of the next saturday

g) From time to time a particular tipster will have a very bad run and the total in that column will build up. We suggest that you do not let a column reacha very high total, as you are placing too much reliance on that tipster. Transfer out half or more of the total and spread it evenly over all the other tipsters. If the out of form tipster does not improve, spread all the total in the column out evenly over the other tipsters and drop him altogether

There are other tips and suggestions that I may well tap out another day, phew my fingers are sore.
I get lost in the math of it all and am still not quite sure how it operates. I know I should have paid more attention at school and for that I am truly sorry, I just cant get my head around it

ciao for now


26th March 2005, 09:00 AM
Quote: ''...Nobody is forcing you on to this forum and there are plenty of other places where you can vent your spleen''. End quote.


Nothing wrong with not agreeing or even disliking someone else's post, but that does not become a valid reason to promote reserving this forum for posts you do like and agree with, as we all know or should know what destination [full of tedious and terrifying people] that road leads too !!
To also suggest this forum should be for those posters 'sharing ideas' [only?], demonstrates how very, very few of my posts and many threads you have ever actually read [I think there is close to a thousand of them].

Many of my posts have been about systems and yes, I even use them myself as part of my punting approach. My initial post on this thread was certainly not the only cynical response here being 'shared' about reaching for tipster systems [generally speaking obviously as the system hadn't been posted at that stage] and while many of my posts are often a bit controversial or even get under some reader's skin [heaven forbid and pass the smelling salts !], apart from spicing up the forum in general, are often at least, a decent read and sometimes even quite informative !!

Have a good day, regardless of which mixture of punting poison you use :-)

26th March 2005, 09:06 AM
Ok CRASH, does the system make sense? I realise today is a busy day so posting later your thoughts would be most appreciated. Now wheres my winning post I must see who Tony Rickards is supporting today.

ciao for now


26th March 2005, 09:21 AM
Will definitely have a good look at this whopper of a system today and put down my thoughts on it [as sweetly as I can].

Tony Rickards is a good read and I'm a bit peeved that my local Newsagent [and only Newsagent around here] had sold out of the Winning Post yesterday. Perhaps that was the cause of my acidic [?] early post on this thread last night ? Who knows, I've given up trying to work myself out [even my wife has given that up].

26th March 2005, 09:49 AM
Looking at the rules as posted it is easy to see why this is called the Holy Grail and is truly the road to royal riches:-

8 Decide on an amount to win each time a tipster picks a winner

The only trouble is I don't know who will take the bet after the race is run and the result known.

26th March 2005, 10:25 AM
Well put fox,
it is better to be optimist then pessimist.Life is to short to be

Together we will get some where.

Happy Easter to all.

captain charger
26th March 2005, 10:26 AM
Tomorrows 4YO selection is Bris R6:6

ciao for now[/QUOTE]
What about Syd R7 #2?

26th March 2005, 10:35 AM
Sarge1, I could have easily missed the plot, but so far as I see it, say we are using 20 tipsters we could easily be betting on every horse in some races, and other times be betting on the same horse 20 times say.... Alingi, is that right?

26th March 2005, 10:58 AM

Have you seen the BLUE RIBBON?I think thats what it was called.
Its another oldie.

26th March 2005, 11:06 AM
Hey Captain,

Re: 4yr. old system.

Glamour Puss at Ranwick R7/2 fits the bill and recalling the thread, one poster suggested it is a good system restricted to 1200m or less races, so by that tip Glamour Puss is the only selection.

Geeez, at the tiny amount of tips the system throws up, it would take a long time to see if that's a winning system. Having said that, I'd say the best chance [generally speaking and not always] a system has of being a winner, is one producing very few selections.

26th March 2005, 12:42 PM
What you want is the" BLUE RIBBON".
This one was locked up in a vault and gaurded around the clock for the past 35 years by a team of security experts.
It was only released by the author when he won LOTTO and out of the goodness of his heart released it to help the struggling punter.

La Mer
26th March 2005, 01:24 PM
US author and professional punter Dick Mitchell once wrote about this type of betting, which is usually named Due Column wagering. Don’t be fooled it’s the way to the poorhouse and is doomed to failure.

The following is and extract of what Mitchell wrote:

“Don’t be deceived by this type of scheme or any variation on it. It’s death on the bankroll. It’s a money burner of the largest magnitude possible. These types of techniques look plausible. They sound wonderful on first hearing. What an easy way to make money. Please be warned that whenever something sounds too good to be true, it usually is. Easy money is the road to the poorhouse … (it is) insidious … it’s a weird system of money management.”

I once monitored a number of popular newspaper tipsters, some good, some not so good and some just plain bad with a capital B.

One tipster who until recently was the racing editor of the Melbourne Herald-Sun, Shane Templeton had a wide following, making appearances on a number of radio stations. Overall, he would be judged as not too bad a tipster, often landing a nice priced longshot. However, during the monitoring period he once had a losing run of 32 selections (equivalent) to four meetings, had a 6/4 winner then another 14 losers. Imagine what a run like that would do to most staking plans/money management systems such as the one described.

Do yourselves a favour and your bankroll a bigger favour – DON”T DO IT. Failure and disappointment is almost guaranteed.

good 4th
26th March 2005, 05:39 PM
Tipsters are great........ but a very quick way to the poor house.
I still trial on paper and its been a few years.. all tipsters are showing a loss.

Sportsman, QTab, Racing NSW, Jockeys, 2KY to name a few.
What one could do is target bet Tipsters in the odds range of 5/1 an higher..to win $10
Bank required i would suggest $20,000
Just in case of loosing runs, i kid you not.

Forget Tipsters


Top Rank
26th March 2005, 06:49 PM

As I was probably the first person to heap scorn upon your system/method, I will apologise, as you obviously believe strongly that it is a goer.

I think a forumite once posted saying that he often read posts but unless he had something good or helpful to say he did'nt reply, I will remember that from now on.

Best of luck with it.

30th March 2005, 05:13 AM
Okay so this piece of paper I hold in my hand is useless - BOHICA

Yes my feelings were hurt with your scorn and derision, I am thankful that Duritz refrained from employin his considerable talents to lambast this poor newbie.

I ask for an opinion and am grateful to have recieved it albeit having to walk solemnly around the house thumping my head into walls Why Why Why.
ciao for now