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View Full Version : Tote Dividends

8th April 2005, 04:05 PM
Can anyone direct me to a site that gives approx. divies for quinellas, exactas, trifects etc. On course there are a multitude of screens around the place that give this kind of info but I dont know of any "on-line" sites that does. Can anyone help?

8th April 2005, 05:46 PM
Can anyone direct me to a site that gives approx. divies for quinellas, exactas, trifects etc. On course there are a multitude of screens around the place that give this kind of info but I dont know of any "on-line" sites that does. Can anyone help?

Yeah .. Gday Miamiles

if you go to the old tab site (www.nswtab.com.au) you will find under the markets for each race a link to the quinella and exacta should pays.. I don't know about the tris and first fours, but there are quaddie should pay links after the first leg of the quaddie has been run... Hope that helps

10th April 2005, 02:06 PM
Thanks XPT..thats been a help