11th April 2005, 09:56 AM
Hi all,

After the current TAB has (in my opinion) become too slow and the "new site" doesnt work for me, i am oppening an account with unitab.

Could i please ask of you forum members what you think of this site to bet with via internet (not their credentials) as i have never used them, ie speed and ease of use, it is going to be hard to withdraw winnings as im not in gods country, YET ! .

Another thought if anyone has intrest and you probabally already do it:

Q: If unitab has two runners (and i normally go three or four) at say 12 and 13 whereas NSW has them at 8 and 9 but the NSW has the other two at say 6 and 7 whereas unitab might be 5 and 6, would it be an idea to split the bet and give the TAB with the highest odds the business ? hope thats clear, i mean would it be silly for money management or at the end of the day would it just work out. If it is the latter, i best keep the original tab going ?

Thanks heaps

11th April 2005, 01:52 PM
I beleive the question you are asking is: is it a good idea to bet on the tote providing the best odds?
Well of course... Provided they remain that way after close of markets....
How many other people are there doing it? My point is the best odds 1 minute before jump might be then overbacked for that reason, bringing them into the shortest odds.....

There are a number of other options that I would suggest. IAS guarantees to beat at least 2 of the totes, and I believe there is a Maxidiv, that will equal the best tote....
Just doing this you reduce the market from 117% down to 105-110%.

Never settle for what is in front of you. Always chase the best odds, after all you are trying to fill your wallet not fill theirs....

11th April 2005, 02:56 PM
Thanks BJ,
Ive just held off from unitab for that reason, i had a look at IAS but being new to internet betting wasnt sure of the legal aspects, IAS is a company set up in the australian teritory of norfolk isl i think so i will look into this,
thanks for your reply


11th April 2005, 11:53 PM
UniTAB would have to be the best of all the TAB sites .
It`s fast ,even under huge usage such as Melb Cup day ,very user friendly,with 3 lots of tips ,basic form by clicking onto the name , it places the bet very quickly , they even offer points for betting with them which is converted to money , unlike the NSW TAB which is primitive in comparison & is very ,very slow at times which means it is possible to miss your bet going on because it was too slow to get on before jump ,after the send button is pushed. This TAB often closesd betting prior to actual jump unlike the UniTAB.

There is no excuse for their computers to be so slow, except bad management .Computer speed is relatively cheap these days.
If the so called "backward" state QLD can afford speed , why cant NSW, they have the greater turnover & obviously the greater greed , because they must feel if something costs money ,it cant be good for them .
I was under the false impression they were working a service to the punting public.

You would think that it is run this way because they have a charter to make simple things , as cumbersome as possible to deliberatly annoy their customers ,who keep the thing going, to turn them away .

The NSW new site is a crock. It is a cumbersome nonsence.
No wonder many people rather run with the old system, because it sort of works , but nowhere near the slickness of the QTAB.
Someone has made change for the sake of change to justify their job, without any research as to what use is it to punters.

They say they are improving things , such as restricting everyone to just one account . What`s that about?
They give the distinct impression that they have never run a betting account in their life , yet their lack of real experience is rewarded with million dollar salaries.

The NSW TAB board should be ashamed of themesleves & they all should stand down for the amature service they deliver .

12th April 2005, 07:23 AM
When researching my system, I looked at every Internet betting service here and overseas. I soon came to the conclusion that Unitab was the best, most informative and dependable system, not just in Oz but anywhere.

I haven't tried using Linux with them yet but will probably move later in the year if I can, to get away from MS Wundoze.

The NSW Tab system was a joke, but I have not looked at them for some time.

Just my 2 cents worth.


12th April 2005, 08:13 AM
Bhagwan, you are obviously not happy like myself, thanks for your info on unitab, thats what i was after, i have a jp comming to the shop today to pick up some items and i will get him to site the old ID and thats it, unitab look out, here comes dingo !!!!

cable, thanks for your two cents also, if i were you, i wouldnt look at the new site, it is an absolute joke and i will be onto the help line today, up them for the rent so to speak, YET AGAIN LAST NIGHT I MISSED one of my selections and the ruddy thing paid 17 units, i put the bet on with PLENTY of time to spare, waited, waited, betting closed. Dont worry though, i did get my pound of flesh next race, i cannot believe how slow it is.

Thanks all for your responce.