View Full Version : Time & Class info, Where ?

6th June 2002, 02:29 PM
Good Afternnon all,
Where can I get time, class and weight information. I have been looking at AAPracing, and inracing sites but would like some historical info. Is it available


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Golly on 2002-06-06 15:30 ]</font>

6th June 2002, 02:51 PM
What sort of info are you after??

I have track record times for most tracks in NSW, Vic and Qld. email me at speedmachine2003@yahoo.com.au if you want more info.

Everytime there is a meeting, on racenet.com.au and the Victorian Racing Site, they publish track records with the form. racingvictoria.net.au

There's also good info on class ratings on the Victorian site.

For example, they tell you the class difference b/t a class 1 race and class 6 race in terms of weight.