View Full Version : sky & tvn coverage
4th May 2005, 12:58 PM
hi all, nothing to do with systems etc but is anyone up to date with the bum fight that now means that as an austar subscriber i no longer have coverage of victorian or sydney racing?
guess i will have to take a punting holiday until this is sorted out, as i couldnt go back to radio only coverage, would be like having a tooth pulled..
Top Rank
4th May 2005, 01:49 PM
I know one thing about it. It is a right royal pain in the arse.
I now watch brisbane/adelaide on Sky whilst my computer is running so I can watch sydney/melbourne on BigPond.
Hopefully they will get it all back together at some time soon.
4th May 2005, 02:17 PM
top rank, whats the address to watch online?
Top Rank
4th May 2005, 02:23 PM
It is - (
I think you need broadband to get it. I also believe that thoroughvision have there own website where you can access it.
It is free on Bigpond broadband you just have to register.
4th May 2005, 08:16 PM
5th May 2005, 12:02 PM
the case of the disapearing post,
my apologies mod3, however the sky/tvn debacle is a very frustrating issue for me, & i assume many, many others.
i suggest that those affected, that is all austar subscribers australia wide who have a punt, contact tabcorp to express their feelings & opinions. maybe if enough of us have a good whinge this may be sorted out sooner rather than later
another option is of course to simply stop punting on victorian & sydney races, which i am doing - me thinks this would be a guaranteed method of getting the attention of the people who could resolve this in 5 minutes.
La Mer
5th May 2005, 12:22 PM
the case of the disapearing post,
another option is of course to simply stop punting on victorian & sydney races, which i am doing - me thinks this would be a guaranteed method of getting the attention of the people who could resolve this in 5 minutes.
Davz, As I mentioned the other day, the best avenue for complaint is to the ACCC. The more that lodge a complaint the more likely the will do something.
Don't see much point in not betting on Sydney or Vic racing if you are still going to bet with Tabcorp - $1 spent betting elsewhere with them will not have any impact at all. Better to use other betting options. It''s Tabcrop (through Sky Channel which they own) that are the bad boys here, not TVN.
5th May 2005, 12:37 PM
It''s Tabcrop (through Sky Channel which they own) that are the bad boys here, not TVN.
yes, thats why i have suggested people contact tabcorp - sorry you didnt get that....
5th May 2005, 04:14 PM
Dear Sir or Madam,
I absolutely, humbly apologise for using that terrible word RORT.
I know it is an absolutely disgusting word and I shouldn't have used it.
Just one question, can you please explain how I contravened the forum rules.
Yours Sincerely,
Charlie or Ken, Bloody hell I forgot again.
Just call me Kenchar.
5th May 2005, 05:54 PM
Charlie or Ken, Bloody hell I forgot again.
Just call me Kenchar.
you are bloody hilarious!!!! :D
5th May 2005, 06:43 PM
yes, thats why i have suggested people contact tabcorp - sorry you didnt get that....
Davez, if you mean complaing at them OK, go ahead.
Complaining to them will only help them feel justified in their tactics.
The punter is losing out as a result of this monopolistic bullying - an opinion validated by the Supreme Court decision. If you want to do something that might help, complain to the ACCC.
5th May 2005, 09:39 PM
Seems to me guys that the horse has already bolted. This issue will not be resolved, at least in the near future.
Tabcorp in their arrogance (see another post - Tabcorp declares war on customers) has failed to reach an agreement with the racing clubs.
From my limited understanding, from now on, if I want to receive racing I need to switch to Foxtel digital, and subscribe to both Sky and TVN and flick between channels in order to watch the races. Sky will NOT be broadcasting any Victorian Thouroughbred Races from now on, NOR any Sydney Metropolitan Meetings. Any homeviewer that wishes to watch these races will need to 'upgrade' their Foxtel to digital and pay a subscription to TVN if they wish to watch any Victorian races, or Sydney metro ones.
But, if you live in the Country, 'tough titties'. Austar and Optus appear to have an agreement with SKY prohibiting TVN access to regional viewers. Country NSW clubs seem to have a 10 year agreement with Sky prohibiting coverage by TVN.
It's really all too complex for me. But a damn inconvenience. Can't get the Foxtel guys out till tomorrow. Have to upgrade all sets to digital, in the meantime have had to go back to radio to get coverage.
A ridiculous state of affairs,
thanks to the arrogance of Tabcorp!!!
6th May 2005, 08:16 AM
Davez, if you mean complaing at them OK, go ahead.
Complaining to them will only help them feel justified in their tactics.
The punter is losing out as a result of this monopolistic bullying - an opinion validated by the Supreme Court decision. If you want to do something that might help, complain to the ACCC.
& why would i possibly waste my time complaining TO a useless toothless tiger such as the ACCC??
having a good whinge to anyone who cares to listen is likely to have a far greater impact, & once again if a large number of austar customers stop betting on vic & syd racing, this will certainly send a mesage & MAY help sort this out.
but seeing as most punters appear to be apathetic addicts, i guess i wont hold my breath, yes?
Top Rank
6th May 2005, 01:04 PM
How is the punter losing out when Sky Channel has a monopoly.
TVN's case for the most part has been that Sky offers wall to wall racing with no time to devote to the other aspects of the particular race or racing industry, ie: interviews with trainers, jockeys.
However some punters love that wall to wall racing, maybe even the majority.
It is a pain in the bum but I don't see how anyone can say that it is the fault of just one party. Surely both sides have there good and bad points.
I just know it was fine for me when Sky had it all. Just personally speaking.
6th May 2005, 02:44 PM
Yes i remember the good old days when there were maybe 6 race meetings to worry about and sky had the time to give you a preview of the upcoming race and maybe talk to a trainer....but when you have 10-12 meetings on a saturday and they don't even have time to give you the prices or the results then that is what i call bad....for me there are way to many races being covered...i don't bet on them all...maybe 6 or 7 races but i like to see the results and have some type of update before the race...if you are in a tab thats fine there are screens all over the place but at home you have to jump between the TV and the PC to get what you want.....why do they need so many races are they that gready or are we just so stupid and bet on them all....and all this doesn't include the dogs and trots thats extra....they are saying some race clubs are struggling to get people to the be honest they will never be like they used to be because there is so much more to offer if you stay at home....well there used to be....i for one don't miss the TV coverage have not watched it in ages...i just listen to the radio....atleast your local station doesn't include races from woop woop
Top Rank
6th May 2005, 02:56 PM
You have got it good over there.
2ky in Sydney broadcasts more race meetings than Sky Channel shows on TV.
If you listen to 2ky you have every a race every other minute, not ten minutes.
It is balancing act as to how many is too many, the answer, as uaual lies somewhere in between.
6th May 2005, 03:04 PM
I use an internet radio service that alowes me to listen to 6 of the major station from around Australia including 2KY
6th May 2005, 06:04 PM
How is the punter losing out when Sky Channel has a monopoly.
TVN's case for the most part has been that Sky offers wall to wall racing with no time to devote to the other aspects of the particular race or racing industry, ie: interviews with trainers, jockeys.
However some punters love that wall to wall racing, maybe even the majority.
It is a pain in the bum but I don't see how anyone can say that it is the fault of just one party. Surely both sides have there good and bad points.
I just know it was fine for me when Sky had it all. Just personally speaking.
I agree both sides have their good and bad points. Consumers with different needs should have their choice of product. That's what a free market is all about. A monopoly can and will cater only to a specific segment of the market in the way that suits themselves. Ask country subscribers to Austar how they feel. That's why it needs something like the ACCC. Whether they can or will do anything is another question, but at least their agenda is not about protecting special interests, but a free and competitive market - and that's what this whole sorry mess is sadly lacking.
10th May 2005, 07:49 AM
lets hope so
12th May 2005, 11:58 AM,5478,15245671%255E10048,00.html
Top Rank
12th May 2005, 01:23 PM
The whole saga is rather unfortunate. Being a Austar subscriber I am hoping they can get it back into homes. Does not sound likely.
But hopefully TVN will improve the poor quality coverage they have got going at the moment.
We are all punters who watch the races so we want prices. We want prices updated just about all the time and not just one TAB's prices, all the prices from the all three TAB's.
I can get TVN on Bigpond but the coverage is not worth a pinch of piss and I have gone back to the radio.
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