View Full Version : Earth calling Kenchar

7th May 2005, 10:41 AM
Gday Kenchar,
Dingo here,

Ive just spent an hour and a half reading a thread last from last year on place betting where crash and becareful were having a little nibble at you(12 pages).
Just wondering how your system is holding up, the place one, just interested because i have always liked your input and this was an interesting thread and i am place betting on dogs now(oh help me lord), i hope your still doing OK,


7th May 2005, 01:09 PM
HI dingoboy,
I'm still plodding along basically doing the same thing, place betting usually the 3rd or 4th fav, but now don't look at any form just odds fluctuations and only go for 1 point profit and knock off.
I still look at many other things though as it's a good challenge trying to beat the system. When I find something I believe is ok I will bet it but only small bets, but usually it's always the same a purple patch then the hole comes and I give it nearly all back.
My mainstay is the place and I think it will be until I go to the big racecourse in the sky.

Thanks for your interest.


Chrome Prince
7th May 2005, 02:19 PM
That's the only time I'll pray to be a late scratching ;)

8th May 2005, 11:06 AM
im glad you are still doing well.
totally agree with u re new nsw tab site !

Take care