View Full Version : race programs

13th May 2005, 02:20 PM
Does anyone here evaluate racing programs ?
For some reason I keep getting spam with offers and each time I block their email address, another one comes back with different details but similar wording.
I asked the obvious questions on some of their free toll numbers, "why do they sell race progams" and usually they try to evade the question, but with persistance it comes down to commisions on sale of these various types of programs.
How can one tell if any of these are really what they say they are ?
Are there any recommedations from members here who use a racing program which is worth a proper look ?

13th May 2005, 02:41 PM
Hey Bluetown,

Looking for independent advice, check out punters choice (google) they provide an excellent evaluation of all systems, programs, ratings etc. As a rule I would avoid anyone that contacts you looking to sell you anything.

Be cool

13th May 2005, 02:51 PM
with all honesty they are just junk...there are only a few programs that are any good and these are ones that are fully programable yourself or have tools to help you....if you want to stop the spam use this program..it is very good and free


14th May 2005, 08:43 PM
Those phone blowers have to be avoided like the plague, they usually cost $10,000, they usually say that it follows the smart money , I wish it was that simple.
The mear fact that they change their spots when you try to avoid them has to be a massive warning to start with .
They may say there is a money back guarantee , but try & get it back without going to court.
If you are going to have a free trial , make sure you have your radio on to listen to that particular race , there will be discrepancies.

You have been politely warned.

15th May 2005, 08:41 AM
Perhaps I have been misunderstood to.
I am under no illusions,delussions or allowed to be misguided by those pertaining to sell systems from beaches,blondes and laptops.
It was once a "serious" look at thier offers, then their persistance became a form of entertainment, but now some are pests,it's beyond the joke.
I did tell them I AM looking to buy a system after it has been checked and inspected on my terms.

One of those terms is, I will only deal with the developer/user of the system. There has been no response yet.

There are the good one's as mentioned here before I even posted my question.
Gtx to name one of them. None suit my requirements.Gtx system types, or the form based, it seems one has to know a fair anount of knowledge on the fundamentals of horses,jockeys,tracks,blinkers on or blinkers off Etc.

The other type of systems seem to deal only with numbers, Odds for example with terminologies of "smart money", "Betfair", "Tobe" etc. These systems it seems, do not require a large amount of knowledge on form.

Either system/program type does not seem to allow the user full independance of the actual workings of the program.
I want to be able to manipulate what the program actualy does to my requirements and specifications.
Are there any of those types of programs on the market to view ?

15th May 2005, 02:09 PM
Either system/program type does not seem to allow the user full independance of the actual workings of the program.
I want to be able to manipulate what the program actualy does to my requirements and specifications.
Are there any of those types of programs on the market to view ?

I doubt if you will find one like that on the market.

The reasons are many, for instance even if you were given a full source code, (unlikely) you would have to be familiar with the programming language it was written in to make use of it

Secondly you could buy a programme with many options to set it up to your requirements, but how would the creator of the software know what do you want before you have bought it?
The other option is to have one written to your own specs. BUT your specs. will change as time goes on so I think the only realistic option is to do it yourself.
Many on this forum do just that.

15th May 2005, 02:44 PM
The program I am trying to describe does actualy exist, but is no longer available. There are 3 users of I have heard of who use this type of program but have asked for privacy therefore I respect their wishes.
And another user of a similar program but have lost contact or is no longer replying, and wondering if anyone has heard of similar programs available where it's source code is accesssable under certain conditions
to it's structre ?

15th May 2005, 02:57 PM
The program I am trying to describe does actualy exist, but is no longer available. There are 3 users of I have heard of who use this type of program but have asked for privacy therefore I respect their wishes.
And another user of a similar program but have lost contact or is no longer replying, and wondering if anyone has heard of similar programs available where it's source code is accesssable under certain conditions
to it's structre ?
Sorry mate!
I roll my own so don't really follow the commercial ones. If you would send me an email about it I could ask around.

16th May 2005, 09:30 PM
Some License agreements can make projects possible according to these laws.
So the idea is not obsure and diverse as many would like to assume.
All I am saying is, why not racing programs ?


17th May 2005, 01:16 PM
Some License agreements can make projects possible according to these laws.
So the idea is not obsure and diverse as many would like to assume.
All I am saying is, why not racing programs ?

If you give me a commission to write a programme for you , "AND" want the source code as well as the exe file it will be at a different price.

But to give completely away the results of, sometimes a few months work to someone, to do with it as they please for a NORMAL fee is insane.

If you gave me the source code to a good working programme, I could dress up the interface and make some changes so that not even the originator would easily recognise it .
And I could market it as my own!!

I would not do it of course, and I don't think you would either but it could be easy.

17th May 2005, 02:50 PM
I am sure with some forward planning, the programers and designers would have these bases covered.
It's just a search after reading what's on offer from link to link and a link had me arrive here to this forum.
There are other forums with more information describing similar ideas and projects but none yet on horse racing as far as I know.
So why if these other projects work on the basis of open source code and have expanded on a global scale and not with horse racing projects of open source code ?

Would the people interested be aware of the free download rather than pay for a program dressed up with similar functions as you describe ?

Would it be "better" if one programmer keeps updating the program rather than a team adding ideas,updates and upgrades from the users of the program ?
I think the programmer would go insane trying to market each copied idea on their own. By the time a sale is made to cover costs, then another update may come from the original by the team doing the project.

This is not a personal dig, I can see you are trying to explain in broader terms as an advocate, thats fine.

18th May 2005, 08:23 PM
Apathy Marcus ?

The Firefox ( free open source web browser) according to statistics, is installed on 20 % of PC desktops around the world and increasing.
I have not seen anyone claim they have a similar web browser copied from the same source code as Firefox and sold.


30th May 2005, 07:51 PM
I thought this information might interest most users if they are having problems with web browsers.


31st May 2005, 02:38 AM
If anyone has problems with the Web browser being taken offer by an unwanted intruder , simply install SpyBot S & D ,it works a treat so as long as you dont run any other automatic checking divices except for the Microsoft x2 services pack.

It will warn you if another device wants to be part of your start up proceedure e.g. foreign web browser, & you then have the option to allow or deny it`s implimentation , on top of that , it`s free.

Browser hijacking is now the number one curse of computers , it far outways viruses at the moment.. use SpyBot S&D (search & destroy) & you should be free from problems ,for the moment that is.

AVG anti-virus seems to be the preferered system to use over Norton according to the chaps who specialize in virus removal, they say the Nortons has a number of conflicts with other programs especially horse programs such as GTX & Price Predictor .

Nortons will often make the system crash while running a program through thousands of races, no matter how large the computer is.
I Know this from personel experience.

So , if you find that you setup crashes more than it should running Nortons , swap over to AVG & its Free.

31st May 2005, 02:33 PM
Hey guys, I have broadband so I need the security and nortons seems to be the only package that works all well together for me, I have ran NAV for over 2 years and NEVER actually had any conflict, even using BS. I agree it is not always the best espcially for the money but if security is a concern and not just virus's, is there any other packages that do all in one as well as Nortons.

I agree it may have mor dramas with GTX as it seems to do more and may affect memory usuage more so but maybe not so much with BS.

Thats all.

31st May 2005, 07:18 PM
I agree that AVG is very good, even better as it is FREE, but my new PC came with Nortons and I have been using that with no problems so far, but if anything came to light I would be straight back with AVG.

Spybot Search & Destroy is also a another must have program, again FREE and worth it weight in gold. As it is primarily designed to find and eliminate spyware & addware I also have Winpatrol with Scotty the watchdog who barks & flags up any new processes that have installed themselves. Again this is FREE & falls into the must have category.

Add Zonealarm firewall, (again FREE) & I reckon I might just about have all bases covered.

31st May 2005, 07:26 PM
One of the programs I use and swear by.http://www.intermute.com/spysubtract/cwshredder_download.html

31st May 2005, 08:08 PM
No, not all bases are covered for broadband because they can still get past the modem. So you need to external firewall at the modem end.

Some modems have their own firewalls and routers.
Highly reccomended to have a firewalled Modem.

Without a firewalled modem, it's like your front and back yard has no high fence but your front door is still guarded with software firewall, and this taxes the PC.
If a hacker wants to, they can still get in through the "front door" with an "axe".
So if you have a firewalled modem,chances are they won't bother with the "front or back door".
It's a little known fact,but some advertising companies employ hackers to keep updating their spyware.

31st May 2005, 08:18 PM
[QUOTE=bluetown]I thought this information might interest most users if they are having problems with web browsers.

That looks like me when my bet doesn't run a hole.

31st May 2005, 09:00 PM
it's a reply actauly to Marcus,( due respect,ofcourse) thought he might want to try and dispute open source projects as discussed earlier in the post.
The source code is freely available for him to do as he likes and change it's name, then sell a browser and become famous.
Who would then purchase his browser when it's free anyway ?

No offence Marcus, but why do so many thwart the idea of a similar project, but a racing program instead ?
I know it's been discussed here before. Somewhere I read it but the thread seems to have dissapeared.

31st May 2005, 09:17 PM
No, not all bases are covered for broadband because they can still get past the modem.

Would I be right in thinking you are referring to broadband via telephone line and modem.

What about me? I get broadband from my TV cable company and it comes through the set top box supplied by them, the same box that supplies all the TV channels. The phone also supplied by them comes through a completely seperate feed.

By the way don't you Aussies ever sleep. It is the middle of the day here in the UK so it must be the middle of the night there.

31st May 2005, 09:33 PM

Actualy, at a private night school for short courses and have use of the internet.Course now is for home computer security.Most questions can be answered at the above web address.
Yours seems too complicated to answer at this stage.

1st June 2005, 03:41 PM
Hi Bluetown

Thanks for your reply. I will check out that link later. It is 7.40am here and have things to do like breakfast & work Doh!