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View Full Version : 1/20th Staking Plan

26th May 2005, 11:52 PM
Here is another insufferable plan from the insufferable one, a plan that may appeal to some.

One bets to price of 1/20th of their new bank high not reducing.
e.g. Bank is $400 @ 1/20th = Target $20
We now divide the price into that figure .
E.g. $20 divided by its price say $2.90 O/L $7.00
$10 = $2.00
$2.00 = $10.00 ect.

We do not chase losses , it`s a sort of a version of level stakes but outlaying less on the longer prices.

If bank increases to say $420 , new bank high , 1/20th = Tar $21.00

What we are assuming , is that one will be finding more winners at the shorter priced area getting up & less winners of the longer priced horses ,that usually get up less, as their price may suggest.

I feel it`s a stronger way to go rather than betting level stakes , over the long haul.

This is considered to be one of the safest money management plans one could entertain, it maximises the stronger chances & minimises the not so strong chances , assuming price means chance.

Go through ones past results & check it out , before one wishes to us this.
