View Full Version : I love Hong Kong

9th June 2005, 09:40 AM
Hi, How great is it to be able to bet on HK racing in Victoria. Quinellas and Exactas pay pretty well usually. Bracket the top 7 or 8 in the betting and fill up your pockets. I love Hong Kong.

9th June 2005, 05:38 PM
where do you bet on them

10th June 2005, 07:23 AM
The TAB in Victoria, Queensland I think and maybe NSW. I bet on Hong Kong races at Happy Valley where the fields only have 12 maximum starters. Sha Tin , I leave alone as the fields have 14 runners. Unfortunately HK season in nearing a close.

8th September 2006, 01:52 PM
Well, you would be happy now that the new season starts this Sunday(10.9.06) and with the recent amalgamation of NSW & VicTAB's there are now many betting options at your disposal.
IMO Hong Kong racing is the best venue in the world currently. If you are prepared to do the form the average punter can profit from this competitive venue where the best jockeys/trainers from many countries battle it out for the lucrative prizemoney spoils.
In closing, good to see Shane Dye recuperating well and back on horses once again and it wont be long before he is powering his mounts to the line in close finishes.


2nd March 2007, 11:33 AM
On another note ....is anyone game to share their thoughts on the decision/sentence handed down yesterday in HK regarding C. Munce?
Remember, the decision is subject to appeal so be somewhat circumspect.


2nd March 2007, 01:56 PM
I find it hard to see the difference between a jockey giving tips and a trainer doing likewise. I know jockeys are not allowed to bet but I reckon all the families of good jockeys must do alright. I thought it seemed like a token charge anyway, in the hope officials would be seen as doing their job.

2nd March 2007, 02:17 PM
The ubiquitous Andrew Bensley stated this morning that the general consensus was negative towards C. Munce.
I have heard comments from people whom I know that "what goes around comes around."
It is not that a precedent hasn't been set before(D. Beadman) so why would any jockey take the risk? I must stress that was a different matter completely with no similarity to this incident.


Chrome Prince
2nd March 2007, 02:21 PM
I think the penalties in Hong Kong should be imported to Australian racing.

When a jockey is caught red handed, it makes you wonder (no begins to make sense) what's been going on in Sydney.
The problem is that the jockeys are often the bunnies in something much more sinister, and the real culprits running the wwhole thing continue on their merry way.

Either way, it's just plain bad for racing. It's akin to insider trading on the stockmarket.

One thing's for certain. he'll never ride in Hong Kong again, even if the club let him, his life would be in danger.

2nd March 2007, 02:29 PM
Good point CP,

I raised a similar proposal in another thread some time ago and it was considered too radical at the time.
That suggestion was that an ICAC officer should be added to the steward's panel. He/she should have wide powers to investigate anything which is deemed worthy of further scrutiny working with but still independent of the racing officials-it would certainly lighten their workload.
Looking for similar or opposite views.


2nd March 2007, 02:30 PM
I just finished reading the very interesting life story of TJ Smith, Australia's greatest trainer ever. He certainly didn't hide anything [boasting] about the riches available to trainers and jockeys through giving tips to big punters who would put free bets on for them or work on a payout commission.

Obviously the practice is still full steam ahead both in HK and here [IMHO Sydney and Melb. for sure anyway]. The Iceman's boyhood mate Boss, thinks the HK Stewards should have dealt with his mate [suspension]. Boss was quoted as saying: 'nobody got hurt' [oh really?]. I wonder how many jockies and trainers have that [self-serving] attitude?

2nd March 2007, 03:03 PM
I heard a self-serving comment by a commentator this morning downplaying the seriousness of this charge.
His assertion that this " minor offence" would be treated more leniently in Australia is not a valid argument.
These are the laws of a sovereign nation and must be respected while any person is a guest/resident in that nation.
Make no mistake....racing is no longer a "sport"...it is a major industry/business, probably in the top five employers, number-wise in our economy. Similarly, racing is the most popular recreational industry in HK and they do not want anything to potentially taint their industry which may have a negative effect on their tourism and wagering turnover revenue.
So, as a business associate of mine stated:....if you do the crime....you do the time(not suggesting anything untoward occurred in HK).


3rd March 2007, 04:55 AM
Since when has giving tips been a crime??

This is a load of CRAP!

Munce has obviously stepped on some influential toes.

Remember he went back to face the music of his own accord.

Remember the pommie jock,John Egan,,who did not return to face charges of corrupt practices,and nothing more was done about it.

Hopefully,an appeal will be lodged,and will be successful,and sanity will prevail.

Chrome Prince
3rd March 2007, 11:45 AM
Since when has giving tips been a crime??

Since he allegedly pocketed $205,000 cash for those tips.
It is also alleged he was paid for the tips by way of bets placed on his behalf.
Further, it is also alleged that he rode in races in accordance with those tips.
There is also evidence of taped recordings between the jockey and illegal bookmakers, along with evidence that he rode a horse that was leading easily into the straight, only to run second. Further evidence revealed the jockey to be part of an alleged conspiracy.

ANY jockey involved in these practices should be jailed in my opinion, as not only are they involved in breaching the code of conduct of racing, but bring racing into disrepute, obtain a financial advantage by deception and theft from the punting public, and the owners and trainers they ride for.

As a side note, I bet on two trot races last night and would dearly love to see both drivers jailed.
The horses in question were driven in a manner that could only be described as "wanting to lose". Despite their efforts, both horses almost actually won.
We of course can get paranoid about these things, but this was so obvious to not even be funny.

3rd March 2007, 01:00 PM
Yeah CP,
I agree with you!
Then again why are you still investing good money on the "red hots," particularly when bookies and professional punters are leaving the "sport" in droves?
Look at the recent bad press relating to this industry and ask yourself: "when will something be done?", eg, appointing an ICAC officer to investigate happenings and follow up with necessary action if it is deemed appropriate.
Otherwise this industry will "wither on the vine" and who will be responsible?....those individuals who bring the industry into disrepute!


Chrome Prince
3rd March 2007, 04:30 PM
Correct Xanadu,

I'm actually recording my own log of drivers that do obvious things to highly fancied horses, and I'm going to start laying their horses.

7th March 2007, 02:59 PM
Today's media reports that there is a real chance of a prisoner exchange with Hong Kong/PRC and Munce may be able to serve his sentence in the relatively comfortable confines of an Australian penal institution.
Any thoughts on this matter, all comments welcome.


Chrome Prince
7th March 2007, 03:25 PM
Now how can that be, assuming he broke no Australian laws only Hong Kong laws.
On that basis he should serve a minimum and be paroled very quickly, or does the government have to enter some kind of agreement.

Imagine "I served time for not breaking the law"


7th March 2007, 04:36 PM
Yeah, well, we will have to monitor our own news services.
Remember, things which we consider to be rather trivial in Australia are deemed more seriously in other nations.
Therefore, how smart are they?...........they know the consequences....why do they continue to ignore local laws/values?
I am all for law and order no matter what country you/I may wish to visit.


21st March 2007, 01:00 PM
Did anyone hear on 2KY this morning the replay of an interview with Chris Munce's mother?
It was conducted by 2KY's sister station and replayed on 2KY. His mother outlined the conditions he is enduring and gave an insight to his current state of mind and his prospects of lodging an appeal.
It was very interesting and highlighted the difficulty of lodging an appeal in HK, emphasising that the defence counsel must prepare their case in intricate detail. It also emphasised that a lot of work is currently underway in the background as defence counsel prepare their case.
Any thoughts on this matter?


21st March 2007, 01:41 PM

CP, you are correct....there is no chance of a prisoner exchange and this was reiterated by Mrs Munce during the interview due to the reasons you highlighted. The prospects for something else were purely media speculation.
We'll have to wait and see what happens.
Don't forget....PRC is probably in the top two of our trading partners so any reasonable person could assume that happenings are occurring behind the scene.


27th March 2007, 01:36 PM
The latest news on this matter as I understand it is to seek bail while matters raised by Chris' counsel are considered. This would allow him to regain his passport and return to his family in Australia pending the outcome of the HK judiciary's reconsideration.
We'll have to see what happens.
Anyone else have any more current news?


27th March 2007, 06:53 PM
CP and Xanadu,
Hi guys I've been away for some time(heart bypas)so don't get me too excited,OK?
IMO Munce's case is a joke.
CP,where do you get your info?
The figures you quote are way above what was reported in the press.
Also the press said there was no evidence that he "pulled"any of his mounts.
Yet you are saying he did.
Yes,the laws in foreign countries are different,BUT remember,he did not break the law as such.
Why did he get more time than the Bali bombers?
What about the infamous "jockey tapes"?
did any of them do time?
What about Mark Waugh and co. supplying info to a bookmaker?
Did they do time?
I don't condone what he did,and I can't for the life of me understand why he did,apart from GREED.
However,I think he has been harshly treated.

28th March 2007, 06:57 PM

I appreciate your democratic right to express your view...BUT....these are the laws of a sovereign country and the standards that you deem appropriate are not necessarily shared in these countries.
eg. if an individual is caught in Australia with one marihuana smoke in their pocket, this would probably be treated as a misdemeanour in this country ...but....I can assure you that it is treated much more seriously in these countries.
Not to suggest that drugs are involved in this case but I wish to emphasise that you/I/we are guests in these countries and are expected to abide by the laws and criminal code which are applicable.
Therefore, how would you feel if they came over here and adhered to customs which we may find repulsive?
Again, most of your argument relates to our Oz standards but he is in a completely different jurisdiction.


6th December 2008, 11:52 AM
With all the "bleatings" from the media "bleeding-hearts" this week I feel compelled to express my opinion in relation to this matter.
As I stated in the above post, these convictions were imposed by the authorities of another sovereign nation and the NSW Racing officials may have opened "a can of worms" with their snubbing of the HK authories' decision.
A caller to a NSW racing radio station articulated his beliefs very well when he outlined his thoughts in this matter which basically agreed with my own(and those of many many others) in the previous post. NB. He indicated that he had no grudge against C. Munce personally nor do any of us.
It is a futile arguement put forward by the pro-Munce supporters that he would not have received a custodial sentence in Australia.....they are in HK....!!!!!
If you understand that basic fact then you will have this whole matter in context, not sullied by emotion.
All I can say is "it sure helps to have mates in the media!"


6th December 2008, 05:06 PM
Post deleted.
Low content.
Moderator 3.

6th December 2008, 05:35 PM
that's not as silly as it sounds because with my winnings of late I am contemplating spending three months in Germany and another three months in Canada paying expenses by punting on the internet.
See how things unfold. NB. HK is too humid for my tastes.


7th December 2008, 08:58 PM
are there detailed form-guides available here for HK racing - as detailed as per The Sportsman ?

8th December 2008, 08:08 AM
Wow, I haven't been here for quite some time and my thread has had over 3700 views. I should have charged a few bucks a hit. Ha Ha. Hope you all are loading your pockets. Keep on punting. On my webpage there are a few punting links. yesmelbourne.com Have fun.

8th December 2008, 10:31 AM
It was a master-stroke by yourself to initiate such a controversial thread!
Stand by as this issue has still got a long way to go before it subsides.

17th December 2008, 09:41 AM
The latest happening in this story is that Qld Racing will not grant C. Munce a riding licence until the ten month ban imposed by HKJC expires.
NSW Racing is in danger of becoming a pariah in international racing and I understand that some of the racing public are suggesting that one of the principal players in this saga get a "gentle tap on the shoulder" or be encouraged "to fall on his sword."
Many of the racing public have grave concerns and misgivings in the manner in which this whole affair has been handled.
We'll have to wait and see what unfolds.
