View Full Version : Parlay

9th June 2005, 12:14 PM
Today at Geelong races I have picked 6 horses that i think will run the place. So far 2 have run a place, but i don't know all the combination for a six horse parlay. Can someone help with regards to the different combinations.


9th June 2005, 05:33 PM
You don't need to know the combinations....juat place 60% of your parly bank on the first runner...if it wins add all winners to the 40% remainder then place 60% of that figure on the next bet....if you have a loser divide the 40% remainder in to a 60%-40% split and start again....you could do this for as many races as you like you can aslo do this for different races in different states.

9th June 2005, 07:15 PM
It's a bit confusing. Could you explain with an example over 3 races.


9th June 2005, 09:46 PM
Bank $100
bet 1) $60 Remainder $40
win $2.50 return $60x$2.50=$150
60% of $190=$114

bet 2) $114 Remainder $76
win $2.00 return $114x$2.00=$228
60% of $304=$182

bet 3) $182 Remainder $122
win $1.50 return $182x$1.50=$273

This could continue for as long as you wanted....if at any time you backed a loser you would just start with your remainder.
For example if the second bet was a loser you would split $76 in a 60%/40% your next bet would be $45 with remainder of $31
hope that clears it up

10th June 2005, 03:32 PM
Would it work with 4 horses in a race. Just asking.


10th June 2005, 04:06 PM
Yes it would...you could just divide the bet amount by 4 but remeber to make a profit on the race you have to get a minimum $4 return unles you dutch them

11th June 2005, 04:23 PM
is it possible to have a speadsheet to work out the bets and update the results each time.


11th June 2005, 06:41 PM
Just fill in the boxes....when you get to the end you can you the last orang amount in the first box to start again

12th June 2005, 11:01 AM
Can you explan what the bet placed box is as i'm having a proble.. I put in my bank and it works out the bet and rem and when the bet placed I entered the amount, but it didn't do anything.


12th June 2005, 06:06 PM
i had a small calculation error...think it is fixed now...the reason for the bet placed box is if the bet to be placed is some uneven figure you can adjust it