View Full Version : Ratings

15th June 2005, 11:57 AM
How do i go about rating the main chances in a race/ I've considered many methods, but most are time consuming. Does anyone have a simple one.


15th June 2005, 01:24 PM
a simple one - http://www.tabonline.com.au/today.htm

15th June 2005, 07:01 PM
Hardy Har Har....!!!

Benny, tell me exactly what you want to do. If you are asking me to rate every race then I'll tell you at the outset that there is no chance buddy.

15th June 2005, 07:11 PM
Benny, do you have MSN Messenger?

16th June 2005, 02:40 PM
No i don't. And i'm only going to rat the 2 or 3 best races wach sat.


16th June 2005, 06:19 PM
And i'm only going to rat the 2 or 3 "BEST" races each sat.


Now that is a subjective statement if I ever heard one!?

17th June 2005, 12:19 PM
hmm, "BEST"?, do you mean race 7 at each meet? as this is often the "CLASS" race at any given meet, & often the hardest to analyse or rate with any certainty.

if by "BEST" you mean the races that standout because they meet other criteria you have set for yourself, whatever they may be, then you may be headed in the right direction.

&, as with pricing a race, there are no quick & easy ways to rate a race that are consistently accurate or worthwhile, and as rating & pricing a race DO/SHOULD/MUST go hand in hand, if you cant or dont want to spend the time doing tasks that personally i live for, then either use the unitab or other such ratings, or open your wallet & subscribe to a ratings service.

whatever you choose to do, what you must aim for is consistency in what you are doing, unless of course that means being consistently bad or wrong :)

17th June 2005, 04:15 PM
whatever you choose to do, what you must aim for is consistency in what you are doing, unless of course that means being consistently bad or wrong :)
YES?.Hello?.This is Mo.Who's Calling?

17th June 2005, 07:14 PM
How do i go about rating the main chances in a race/ I've considered many methods, but most are time consuming. Does anyone have a simple one. benny


I'm going to go out on a limb here. Looking at some quotes you have made recently like:

Setting it up. Now i must go and write an other 2 chapters of my ist mystery novel.


No i don't. And i'm only going to rat the 2 or 3 best races wach sat.

I'm thinking you are a man with little time on your hands (multi-tasking, always short posts) who doesn't pay too much attention to detail (two glaring typos in one sentence). Rating races is a time consuming and exacting job if you hope to have any success at it. Take the advice of someone like Davez and get your ratings from a recommended source. Get someone to Video the race you bet on - watch it at fast forward speed and then get back to the novel writing - I like a good mystery and I find an aura of mystery around many of your posts, I think you may have success there.

KV :-)

18th June 2005, 09:04 AM
Get someone to Video the race you bet on - watch it at fast forward speed and then get back to the novel writing - I like a good mystery and I find an aura of mystery around many of your posts, I think you may have success there.

KV :-)
Never noticed your stuff before.
You're funny!

21st June 2005, 02:16 PM
KennyVictor, right on the money with your observations I reckon. Short posts, often doesn't reply, seeks to gain as much information possible from very little input. Ulterior motive of some description here methinks.