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View Full Version : Back issues of Sportsman

18th June 2002, 07:45 PM
Someone here metioned back issues of Sportsman. How much are they to buy?
If it was only $1/week would be worth it.

19th June 2002, 10:06 AM

I just posted a topic on the horse race board regarding this. I wrote to the Sportsman. Got a reply from Gary Hickson who says they don't have back issues. Only available at the State or National Library archives to be photocopied. Would be worth a $1 each at least but probably cost you way more to photocopy. Isn't there an easier way?


19th June 2002, 12:15 PM
I'm suprised Sportsman don't sell them - maybe they only print a limited no, which are usually sold.

Newspaper turns yellow after a while, and their budget would only be small, so they may not like to print extra copies. I looked at their website - their's hardly anything on it?

If they put the same info on the web as they do into the form, people could download old copies or current copies at their leisure. Would be great for form students. Cost must be too much for them to do so.

Who owns the Sportsman?

20th June 2002, 01:38 AM
I beleive you can get back issiues of the Wizard form guide from http://www.inracing.com.au/