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View Full Version : place div price drop

23rd June 2005, 02:11 PM
I have been following a place system that i put together,over the past three months backing every day average six bets a day its returned 70%placed horses,average return between$1.50 and $3.00.
I have only bet in small amounts $5 in the past and would like to know what affect a $50 bet would have on the place div.
thanks for any advice

23rd June 2005, 03:08 PM
System sounds good, Don.

I'm sure $50 would make no difference at all. Here it is 30 minutes before the start of the last at Gosford, and the Place Pool is already $14,000 --- and that's only the NSW Tab. It is almost $6,000 on UniTab too.

Might make a (very) little difference when you are considering poor level country mid-week meetings.

24th June 2005, 08:31 AM
If there's 9000 in the pool I reckon there would be 3000 being paid out on your horse (if there's a third of the pool going to each place getter).
If the horse is paying $3 and $3000 is going out then it seems there must be 1000 winning bets on it or $1000 in bets.
If you add your $50 there will be 1050 bets to share the $3000 between giving a payout of 3000/1050 or about $2.85.

If the horse is paying $1.50 there would be 2000 winning bets so it becomes 2050 with yours making the div 3000/2050 = $1.46

Double the size of the pool and you would half the difference your bet makes.

My logic could be wrong and I worked out the maths on a bit of paper so that probably is wrong, but that's the way I see it.


24th June 2005, 10:24 AM
Thanks guys for the imput

Part Time Punter
25th June 2005, 12:19 PM
Your place system sounds good Greengrass.

Do you wish to enlighten us a little futher on your methods.

Thanx Dave

25th June 2005, 02:33 PM
Your place system sounds good Greengrass.

Do you wish to enlighten us a little futher on your methods.

Thanx DaveThree months is still early days but upto now its doing really well,sorry but if i revealed my method it wouldnt be any good to anyone.
good luck with your punting