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partypooper 18th August 2009 02:50 PM

I've never bet exotics, but recently when researching a win method backing 3 per race, which was going nowhere; I noticed that it was jagging the quinella very often and the better payout is getting my attention.

My question is : is there a rule of thumb as where to bet quinellas? similar to say Sportbets' best of 3 or SP (for the win that is)

Bhagwan 19th August 2009 04:02 AM

I was reading some where that races with exactly 9 runners offered the best win / risk ratio for quinellas.

Bhagwan 19th August 2009 04:36 AM

Does anybody have any interesting quinella plans they wish to share?

Stix 19th August 2009 11:15 AM

Remember someone posted a method that you find interesting...or not!

Take Radio-Tips and box them in exacta, increasing stake until profit hit.
Box Selections 1,2,3 in exacta for $3 (1/2 unit) - misses then Box Selections 1,2,3 in exacta for $6 (1 unit) on next race and so on and so forth....

Someonelese had also said to stop at 5 races to minimise loses....

Something to work with...??

partypooper 19th August 2009 01:20 PM

STIX, funny that was exactly what I was working on.(Radio tips) But what I wanted to know is there anywhere that one can get a better deal on quinellas (or exactas) than the tote? or is one tote better than another/ home tote over away tote etc. etc. anyone?

Stix 19th August 2009 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by partypooper
STIX, funny that was exactly what I was working on.(Radio tips) But what I wanted to know is there anywhere that one can get a better deal on quinellas (or exactas) than the tote? or is one tote better than another/ home tote over away tote etc. etc. anyone?
Pass, think most use home tote.... the ones I know of anyway!

luv2bet 19th August 2009 02:51 PM

i looked at this and found the quinellas do a lot better than aa. I looked at standing the first pick out from the next 2 in quinellas. 1 unit is $2. not too sure how it goes with gallops but works very well with chariots and dishy's. Elimate maidens and weaker class races and it shows a profit most days.

luv2bet 19th August 2009 08:10 PM

I recall this worked best on the dogs. just checked todays races, some super results albian park and sandown park..

luv2bet 20th August 2009 01:20 PM

one dog meet run for the day so far and showed a profit (ascot park)

thorns 20th August 2009 01:44 PM

So if there is 3 tips for eg 7,6,1

You take 7 for the win, then 6 and 1 to run 2nd?

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