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Twodogs 29th September 2003 07:16 PM

For sometime now I have been fiddling around with different culling methods. Time is my enemy each week and if possible would love to find one or two ways of culling the fields down into smaller numbers. Would to hear other peoples opinions.


topsy99 29th September 2003 07:49 PM

cull anything that has not placed or won a listed or group race.
then work from the most recent start.
you will actually get some days off.
e.g. i notice another forum member criticising helenus and kusi.
when did they last place in a listed race compared to their opposition.
i suggest we wait for them to re-qualify rather than be on them by co-incidence or fluke.

tragic 29th September 2003 08:08 PM

make sure you check my tips before you do your form ,eliminate them and you will be on your way to backing many many winners...

[ This Message was edited by: tragic on 2003-09-29 21:09 ]

tragic 29th September 2003 08:19 PM

i like your logic topsy99 if i can just supress my cynicism and think rationaly for a little bit i shall ponder your lead

[ This Message was edited by: tragic on 2003-09-29 21:22 ]

Twodogs 30th September 2003 05:39 AM

Thanks for your thoughts but I was thinking more along the lines of a common filter applied to most races which culls the field without losing too many winners. Examples like top 6 average prizemoney, Wizard Wrat >=81, Zipform ratings etc.


topsy99 30th September 2003 06:49 AM

dont create too much work.
my system evolved from chasing form and creating activity but at the end of the day not making any money.
my having a common culling process e.g. top 6 prizemoney winners. where do you cut off.
at $100000. or $10 every race has a top 6 money earners
this leads to doing every race and it will drive you crazy.
in becareful's words. Be Careful

Dale 30th September 2003 08:52 AM

For me it has to be pre post odds,take the top 6(or more if you wish)and go from there.

stebbo 30th September 2003 09:34 AM

Hi Twodogs,

personally I think that culling the field can be dangerous, and you're better off culling the races... ie investigate ALL runners in a smaller number of races.

I'm very new to form analysis, but this is my tactic at the moment... By analysing the entire field, you can sometimes spot something that you'd miss if you just concentrate on "the contenders".

If you are going to cull the field, then my personal favorite at the moment is looking at the jockey. With my own "form selections", I don't back anything that's being ridden by a jockey with a poor strike rate.

umrum 30th September 2003 10:40 AM

On 2003-09-29 20:49, topsy99 wrote:
cull anything that has not placed or won a listed or group race.
then work from the most recent start.
you will actually get some days off.
e.g. i notice another forum member criticising helenus and kusi.
when did they last place in a listed race compared to their opposition.
i suggest we wait for them to re-qualify rather than be on them by co-incidence or fluke.

whats ur point topsy

crash 30th September 2003 04:02 PM

Thinking about last Saterday. 80% of all races in all states were won by the first four averaged prize money and from the top four Zip lines from the Sportsman.

Worth keeping in mind if you want to cull hard and spend the min. time on form. Look for a top jock and/or trainer and bobs your uncle for a not at all scary selection method that will bag enough winners to keep a fellows dignity intact.



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