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NANOOK 2nd April 2005 11:23 PM

Price Comparison

Last month I kept a daily record of my bets on a daily basis everyday....hmmm?
I compared prices from WATAB, NSWTAB, QTAB and IAS:
Bets - 480
WA - 502.10
NSW- 490.40
Q - 483.90
IAS - 510.31
I placed all my bets with IAS due to work commitments....that's right I'm not a pro-punter at this stage, I'm still trying to peice things together. Although the above fiqures are for 1 month only has anybody compared them for an extended period? as there is a significant difference between some totes. Also if anybody has any fiqures of Betfair compared to any of the above services I'd appreciate your input.


El Gordo 3rd April 2005 12:01 AM

Originally Posted by NANOOK

Last month I kept a daily record of my bets on a daily basis everyday....hmmm?
I compared prices from WATAB, NSWTAB, QTAB and IAS:
Bets - 480
WA - 502.10
NSW- 490.40
Q - 483.90
IAS - 510.31
...... Also if anybody has any fiqures of Betfair compared to any of the above services I'd appreciate your input.

assume u mean betfair in general without knowing what your bets were

partypooper 3rd April 2005 01:59 AM

Nanook, i've got nothin' against anyone (except when unfair) , but you could have just happened to pick 30 winners that JUST happened to pay more with IAS, THAT month, but in fairness it depends what you are doing. i.e are you betting at Top Fluc???

As it appears that top fluc will usually outperform sp (obviously) AND the tote up to about 5-1 (in general) and then it swings the other way and the longer the price the more likely the tote will outperform, though you should always bet at BEST TOTE, and if ever backing long shots " DO NOT BET WITH ANY ORGANISATION THAT IMPOSES A LIMIT" i.e you will hear of some that impose 100-1 limit, DO NOT BET WITH THEM! they do not deserve your business!

anchor 3rd April 2005 02:02 AM

Or try and get a comparison with AUS Tote, you can past results and final divis from there, unlike Betfair. (Though Betfair have said they're working on having one in the near future).

partypooper 3rd April 2005 02:56 AM

Good point Anchor, an area that I haven't explored as yet, but I would just like to emphasise, "DO NOT BET WITH ANY ORGANISATION THAT IMPOSES A LIMIT" i.e. if they have a 100-1 limit they do NOT deseve your business!

monkeyinjapan 3rd April 2005 08:28 AM

Hi Nanook,

Surely a product such as SportingBet or Centre Racing are better alternatives than the TABs and IAS -- they both offer the best of the three totes, while IAS offers only the best of two of the totes. For fixed-price betting, there are heaps of choices.

I have to say, 480 bets for the month is a fair few!


xptdriver 3rd April 2005 08:50 AM

Originally Posted by monkeyinjapan
Hi Nanook,

I have to say, 480 bets for the month is a fair few!


Not if you are making a living from it.... just my opinion is all

KennyVictor 3rd April 2005 11:51 AM

Originally Posted by partypooper
Good point Anchor, an area that I haven't explored as yet, but I would just like to emphasise, "DO NOT BET WITH ANY ORGANISATION THAT IMPOSES A LIMIT" i.e. if they have a 100-1 limit they do NOT deseve your business!

You sound like a man that's been stung PP !!


KennyVictor 3rd April 2005 12:05 PM

Originally Posted by NANOOK
Although the above fiqures are for 1 month only has anybody compared them for an extended period? as there is a significant difference between some totes.


Hi Nanook,

I've only got figures for WA set up in an easy to access form so here they are.

If you bet on the favorite, all W.A. races since 1/1/3
SP 4403 races 89% returned
NSWTab 2791 races 97.3% returned
UNI 2564 races 96.82% returned
TABCO 4332 races 97.6 % returned (includes on course totes)

If you picked the winner in all those races you would have got
SP 614% returned
NSWTab 853% returned
UNI 840% returned
TABCO 781% returned

I tend to think the SP returns are pretty low in WA compared to say NSW but I don't think these figures show a great deal of difference between the three tabs.


NANOOK 3rd April 2005 09:48 PM

Thanks to everyone who replyed to my post, the fiqures that were posted were my actual bets with IAS only. I kept the records of the TABS to see what the difference was and which one represented better value and posted them just as a matter of interest to whomever found the comparision interesting. If I sat at the computer during all the races and took the best value of the TABS and IAS it was possible to add an extra 8 to 12 units on top of the final IAS fiqure.
I was asking in a general fashion, if anybody else has compared their own results with various betting agencies and who came out on top % wise? I use IAS as they are reputable in my eyes and don't close accounts down or limit your wagers, which I have heard happens with other corporate bookies should you win on a consistent basis.

Partypooper and xptdriver - I agree
Anchor - I'll do that when time permits.
Monkeyinjapan - Those names sound familiar I don't think I mentioned them above?
Kennyvictor - Appreciate those fiqures, very helpful.

Thanks everyone

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