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AngryPixie 24th April 2012 03:25 PM

Profiting from the Crowd
I'm a big fan of the wisdom of the crowd and have been able to profit from it in a number of punting and non-punting ways. I've just stumbled upon this short YouTube video that in a roundabout way (via jelly beans) shows why the punting public tends to get it pretty right.


I've mentioned this book a few times but it's worth mentioning again. If you think outside your punting square there's some very useful leads contained within.


Enjoy :)

Pauls123 24th April 2012 04:42 PM

Interesting youtube video there Angry Pixie. So I guess your saying that if you found as many tipsters as you could lay your hands on, and take the "average selection", you "should" be ahead.


AngryPixie 24th April 2012 05:12 PM

If you could aggregate their selections somehow that would be one thing you could do. I would be looking more at things that put a numerical figure on the selections though. ;)

Shaun 24th April 2012 05:32 PM

You could do a 3,2,1 format for their tips then come up with a total than create a price, similar to my Consensus ratings.

Shaun 24th April 2012 05:40 PM

Lets start a list and see how many we can come up with, have to be aware some tipsters use the same service to get the tips so will always be the same.

must have at least 3 selections most of the time.

Radio Tab
Guest Tipster

Bhagwan 24th April 2012 09:26 PM

Thanks Angry for that most informative link.

But it raises the question...
Can it pick a little vinner .

The answer is yes

I ran my data base through a number of things & this is what I came up with.

By targeting 5 tipsters exactly.

Target their top selection.

If we to only bet those that where tipped 3 times exactly on top .

These indeed had a 30% SR ,the same as favourites , but the difference was, that they did not always start as race favourite.

It amazingly produced a level stakes profit of +10% POT

Go figure.

Lord Greystoke 24th April 2012 10:52 PM

Originally Posted by AngryPixie
If you think outside your punting square there's some very useful leads contained within.

Evening Pixie

Yes, in my experience you are correct on this, although it's a bit like 'fuzzy logic' to apply.

I have found that looking for 2-3 different 'signals' or indicators to support a certain selection can significantly strengthen the case to back it. A bit like a set up for a trade.

Also similar to one of the fundamental principles of auditing (if my 1980s memory serves me correct) ie collect information from different sources to evidence an event - if the data gathered collectively points to the same or a similar version of events, you are probably looking at a 'truth'.

So - not a precise science, but a mechanism to support an assumption or conclusion without needing to examine all the records or data = every occurrence of the event.

Find the right 'signals' in the right races and the winners seem to come a little easier, albeit with a lower average DIV it seems.


Shaun 25th April 2012 12:52 AM

I also noticed they now have some paper form guides on the NSW and VIC tab websites, not sure how often they have this but it does provide some options.

Lord Greystoke 25th April 2012 05:37 AM

Originally Posted by Bhagwan
By targeting 5 tipsters exactly.

Target their top selection.

If we to only bet those that where tipped 3 times exactly on top .

These indeed had a 30% SR ,the same as favourites , but the difference was, that they did not always start as race favourite.

It amazingly produced a level stakes profit of +10% POT

Go figure.

Interesting statistic Bhagwan.

DO you have the equivalent numbers for where Top Selection has been picked 2 times across the 5 'wise men'?

From what I can see, it yields a similar result to a single star bet ie it flops most of the time and is a good candidate for taking out of your top chances, when it comes to finding a winner*

If I only I had your data engine to churn out these gems.

Cheers LG

* except where Shelley Hancox has tipped it but then again, she probably doesn't qualify as a wise man. We can be thankful for that!

AngryPixie 25th April 2012 11:31 AM

This is more what I was thinking. ;)

Here are the "crowd ratings" for todays Flemington quaddie races. Bit quick and dirty. Three well known, easy to obtain sources. Not much into ratings, so you guys can work out the prices. :)

FLEM Race 5
1 66
2 64
3 ---
4 ---
5 100
6 81
7 75
8 87
9 63
10 73
11 60
12 74
13 92
14 64

FLEM Race 6
1 100
2 80
3 90
4 86
5 82
6 71
7 69
8 70
9 60
10 79
11 80
12 76
13 67
14 74
15 83
16 71

1 81
2 95
3 ---
4 90
5 ---
6 91
7 100
8 99
9 ---
10 ---
11 ---
12 78
13 77
14 77
15 87
16 60

1 69
2 87
3 100
4 75
5 100
6 63
7 99
8 ---
9 60
10 79
11 93
12 100

Shaun 25th April 2012 12:48 PM

Here is some prices, these ratings are not fully compatable with my pricing but should give a guide.

1 32.74 2 50.67 3 4 5 2.57 6 6.06 7 9.18 8 4.39 9 68.65 10 13.64 11 85.00 12 12.49 13 3.50 14 50.67 1 2.68 2 12.20 3 3.98 4 4.81 5 5.97 6 25.03 7 31.49 8 27.93 9 85.00 10 13.01 11 12.20 12 16.06 13 41.72 14 18.86 15 5.64 16 25.03 1 12.40 2 4.27 3 4 5.26 5 6 5.04 7 3.55 8 3.68 9 10 11 12 15.03 13 16.12 14 16.12 15 8.97 16 85.00 1 33.96 2 8.95 3 4.02 4 18.72 5 4.02 6 100.00 7 4.17 8 9 85.00 10 14.02 11 5.25 12 4.02

norisk 25th April 2012 01:31 PM

just for a bit of fun

1 $76 2 $94 3 4 5 $2.12 6 $16 7 $30 8 $8.35 9 $105 10 $36 11 $144 12 $33 13 $4.93 14 $94 1 $2.61 2 $21 3 $7.49 4 $11.42 5 $17 6 $55 7 $68 8 $62 9 $177 10 $24 11 $21 12 $33 13 $85 14 $40 15 $16 16 $55 1 $29 2 $6.62 3 4 $11.20 5 6 $10.08 7 $3.91 8 $4.34 9 10 11 12 $40 13 $44 14 $44 15 $15 16 $264 1 $128 2 $19 3 $4.89 4 $68 5 $4.89 6 $241 7 $5.43 8 9 $331 10 $45 11 $10.22 12 $4.89

AngryPixie 25th April 2012 05:09 PM

Started off well there guys.

To be true to the wisdom of the crowd I suppose we'd have to accept that the market price is more accurate than the rated price. Therefore the rated price should perhaps be the maximum that should be accepted.

UselessBettor 25th April 2012 07:48 PM

Your right ... The wisdom of crowds says the more people provide input the closer the result will be to the correct price. It was proven that a small crowd of "experts" actually did worse then a larger crowd of the public .

The same happens here. The final tote price is going to be closer then the experts selections over the long run. The real gems are to find out where the crowd is consistenly wrong and profit from that.

AngryPixie 25th April 2012 08:43 PM

Originally Posted by AngryPixie
Started off well there guys.

Just read that back and it sounds pretty sarcastic. What I was trying to say is that we started off well on the first couple of races. :o

Bhagwan 26th April 2012 01:39 AM

Hi Greystoke.
With those 2 remaining top 2 selections from 5 Tipsters where 3 tipsters have picked same horse.

Those remaining 2 where all over the place they wouldn't win that often but they sometimes hit some larger prices , so I would not be inclined to lay them.

That 3 from 5 was based on taking the average as per that video .
In this case 2.5 rounded up to 3.

AngryPixie 26th April 2012 09:31 AM

Originally Posted by UselessBettor
The real gems are to find out where the crowd is consistenly wrong and profit from that.

Doesn't really matter if the public is consistently right or wrong, it's the consistency that matters. We live in the time of betting exchanges. Buyers and sellers - backers and layers. We can do either one or both at the same time. We can back our selections one day and lay them the next.

My best selection method at present has made a whopping lay profit of 3.89 units after 5848 bet's! :D It's amazingly consistent. Since March 12th the expected lay winners is 5213. Observed lay winners is 5214. Bank has increased 415%+ since that date.

Profit follows consistency is my current mantra.

norisk 26th April 2012 09:36 AM

& with the public being wrong ~ 70% of the time, we should be set, no?;)

AngryPixie 26th April 2012 09:41 AM

Originally Posted by norisk
& with the public being wrong ~ 70% of the time, we should be set, no?;)

Could be ;) You've got the tools.


AngryPixie 5th May 2012 10:47 AM

Crowd ratings for todays Adelaide Guineas. Have included some conservative prices.

1) 100 $ 3.90
2) 76 $ 7.70
3) 83 $ 6.00
4) 90 $ 4.90
5) ---
6) 63 $15.90
7) 54 $55.30
8) 59 $24.60
9) 53 $94.50
10) 96 $ 4.30

AngryPixie 5th May 2012 11:21 AM

This race is a bit of a lottery.


1 85 $6.00
2 95 $4.60
3 91 $5.00
4 78 $7.70
5 78 $7.70
6 80 $7.10
7 76 $8.10
8 ---
9 83 $6.50
10 71 $10.20
11 100 $4.10
12 68 $12.70
13 85 $6.00
14 84 $6.20
15 60 $24.60
16 63 $18.70

AngryPixie 5th May 2012 11:31 AM

And another lottery


1 100 $4.30
2 89 $5.80
3 94 $5.10
4 95 $4.90
5 91 $5.40
6 83 $7.30
7 82 $7.70
8 77 $9.40
9 78 $8.90
10 82 $7.70
11 65 $25.50
12 73 $12.20
13 ---
14 ---
15 65 $25.50
16 73 $12.20
17 84 $7.00
18 60 $115.80

AngryPixie 5th May 2012 11:42 AM

:( Big quaddie coming in SA today???


1 100 $3.70
2 82 $6.40
3 73 $10.30
4 71 $12.00
5 69 $13.00
6 78 $7.70
7 79 $7.30
8 94 $4.40
9 74 $9.70
10 86 $5.50
11 73 $10.30
12 76 $8.60
13 68 $14.30
14 81 $6.70
15 71 $12.00
16 60 $61.50

Think I fluffed the Race 5 ratings a bit as they should be between 100 and 60. Doesn't change the prices though.

AngryPixie 5th May 2012 12:13 PM

For consistency's sake here are the corrected Race 5 ratings

MORP 5 Adelaide Guineas

1 100 $3.90
2 79 $7.70
3 85 $6.00
4 92 $4.90
5 ---
6 68 $15.90
7 61 $55.30
8 65 $24.60
9 60 $94.50
10 96 $4.30

AngryPixie 5th May 2012 04:30 PM

Not a bad Vic Tab quaddie in the end with the winners coming from within our top four of each of the four legs.

Winners were R5#4, R6#11, R7#3, R8#2

Expected Quadrella Div: 4.9 * 4.1 * 5.1 * 6.4 = $655.73
Actual Quadrella Div: $1594.60 :)

AngryPixie 12th May 2012 10:23 AM

Crowd Ratings - ROSE 12 May, 2012
ROSE Race 5
1 90 $4.80
2 70 $14.03
3 74 $10.14
4 ---
5 91 $4.65
6 100 $3.61
7 71 $12.80
8 60 $357.80
9 84 $5.98
10 ---
11 79 $7.52
12 73 $10.89

ROSE Race 6
1 96 $4.26
2 70 $14.90
3 100 $3.84
4 85 $6.10
5 60 $379.85
6 86 $5.87
7 64 $35.17
8 73 $11.56
9 61 $110.10
10 86 $5.87

ROSE Race 7
1 79 $6.85
2 73 $9.92
3 79 $6.85
4 67 $17.96
5 84 $5.45
6 60 $325.95
7 76 $8.11
8 71 $11.66
9 61 $94.48
10 71 $11.66
11 61 $94.48
12 100 $3.29
13 89 $4.52

ROSE Race 8
1 81 $7.66
2 79 $8.45
3 96 $4.51
4 74 $11.39
5 ---
6 ---
7 60 $401.90
8 72 $13.22
9 68 $19.51
10 100 $4.06
11 99 $4.16
12 86 $6.21
13 ---
14 ---
15 70 $15.76

AngryPixie 12th May 2012 11:01 AM

Crowd Ratings - LAUN 12 May, 2012
LAUN Race 6
1 91 $4.62
2 100 $3.59
3 92 $4.48
4 68 $17.25
5 74 $10.07
6 82 $6.47
7 78 $7.88
8 78 $7.88
9 64 $32.90
10 68 $17.25
11 76 $8.84
12 64 $32.90
13 60 $355.35
14 67 $19.58

LAUN Race 7
1 82 $6.74
2 71 $13.24
3 66 $23.57
4 100 $3.74
5 60 $370.05
6 94 $4.39
7 64 $34.26
8 69 $16.05
9 ---
10 ---
11 66 $23.57
12 78 $8.21
13 92 $4.66
14 81 $7.06

LAUN Race 8
1 97 $4.44
2 95 $4.69
3 100 $4.11
4 83 $7.09
5 89 $5.65
6 65 $30.70
7 75 $10.78
8 60 $406.80

LAUN Race 9
1 92 $4.29
2 72 $11.21
3 81 $6.49
4 100 $3.44
5 61 $98.74
6 73 $10.37
7 63 $40.80
8 67 $18.77
9 77 $7.99
10 60 $340.65
11 87 $5.07

AngryPixie 19th May 2012 09:35 AM

We'll continue this on a little longer so we can share the crowd love around to all the states.

GCST Race 6
1 100 $4.06
2 98 $4.27
3 78 $8.91
4 ---
5 84 $6.72
6 ---
7 79 $8.45
8 81 $7.66
9 81 $7.66
10 98 $4.27
11 82 $7.32
12 71 $14.38
13 60 $401.90
14 82 $7.32
15 60 $401.90

GCST Race 7
1 100 $4.16
2 92 $5.19
3 96 $4.62
4 72 $13.54
5 81 $7.85
6 96 $4.62
7 75 $10.91
8 79 $8.66
9 78 $9.13
10 81 $7.85
11 82 $7.50
12 60 $411.70

GCST Race 8
1 ---
2 75 $10.45
3 100 $3.99
4 ---
5 72 $12.98
6 ---
7 81 $7.52
8 85 $6.34
9 99 $4.09
10 92 $4.97
11 83 $6.88
12 74 $11.18
13 74 $11.18
14 66 $25.13
15 60 $394.55

GCST Race 9
1 100 $4.08
2 68 $19.63
3 93 $4.94
4 92 $5.09
5 87 $6.02
6 83 $7.05
7 86 $6.25
8 84 $6.76
9 91 $5.25
10 72 $13.30
11 70 $15.86
12 78 $8.97
13 60 $404.35

ubetido 20th May 2012 08:53 AM

Hi all

If i recall correctly there was a system or maybe even a few based on the tipster selections from the Australian. I think there were 10 tipsters with a consensus tally in the last column.

Out of curiosity how do you arrive at those dividends posted.


AngryPixie 25th May 2012 02:45 PM

Originally Posted by ubetido
Out of curiosity how do you arrive at those dividends posted.

How indeed. Like everybody else they are pretty much just made up. I've no idea how accurate they are. :) See the Ratings accuracy thread.

ubetido 25th May 2012 02:55 PM

Thanks AP


AngryPixie 25th May 2012 03:02 PM

Arrive at some arbitrary number and divide by the number of runners in the field is probably the most common method. I use a hybrid of the late Dick Mitchell's method. You could pick up one of his books second hand on Amazon probably. Bit complicated to describe here.

AngryPixie 25th May 2012 03:21 PM


This method originally posted here by norisk is interesting. Fiddle with the POWER figure to make the prices more realistic.



AngryPixie 26th May 2012 03:12 PM

Late with these. Doing a million other things today.

We've visited all the major states now in our Leyland Brothers tour. ;)

BLMT Race 5
1 61 $88.80
2 62 $51.92
3 73 $9.33
4 75 $8.12
5 76 $7.62
6 73 $9.33
7 75 $8.12
8 82 $5.58
9 86 $4.73
10 72 $10.08
11 71 $10.96
12 75 $8.12
13 79 $6.44
14 73 $9.33
15 100 $3.09
16 60 $306.35

BLMT Race 6
1 100 $4.41
2 95 $5.03
3 64 $40.39
4 ---
5 91 $5.67
6 69 $18.92
7 92 $5.49
8 75 $11.55
9 83 $7.61
10 93 $5.33
11 61 $126.43
12 60 $436.20
13 83 $7.61
14 96 $4.89

BLMT Race 7
1 98 $4.11
2 100 $3.91
3 84 $6.47
4 92 $4.88
5 60 $387.20
6 82 $7.05
7 66 $24.66

BLMT Race 8
1 79 $7.47
2 65 $26.82
3 98 $3.78
4 76 $8.84
5 70 $13.94
6 ---
7 78 $7.88
8 79 $7.47
9 66 $22.63
10 80 $7.11
11 86 $5.49
12 100 $3.59
13 ---
14 60 $355.35
15 65 $26.82
16 74 $10.07
17 70 $13.94

AngryPixie 1st June 2012 03:40 PM

Anybody interested in me doing these again for tomorrow? Any venue preferences?

AngryPixie 16th June 2012 11:04 AM

Crowd Ratings June 16th
Well doesn't look like there's any interest at all in this but we do need some more results before we can draw any type of conclusion. There's some pleasing numbers come out of what we've done so far :)

FLEM Race 5
1 89 $5.51
2 81 $7.57
3 94 $4.71
4 77 $9.31
5 95 $4.58
6 100 $4.01
7 60 $397.00
8 82 $7.23
9 60 $397.00
10 76 $9.88

FLEM Race 6
1 73 $10.44
2 86 $5.30
3 100 $3.47
4 79 $7.22
5 85 $5.51
6 83 $5.98
7 65 $25.89
8 ---
9 84 $5.74
10 60 $343.10
11 79 $7.22

FLEM Race 7
1 89 $5.10
2 100 $3.71
3 ---
4 86 $5.68
5 90 $4.93
6 76 $9.14
7 73 $11.19
8 ---
9 ---
10 83 $6.41
11 75 $9.74
12 73 $11.19
13 69 $15.95
14 66 $23.41
15 60 $367.60

FLEM Race 8
1 73 $7.98
2 91 $3.41
3 100 $2.65
4 60 $262.25
5 75 $6.95
6 ---
7 60 $262.25
8 66 $16.70
9 66 $16.70
10 ---
11 64 $24.28
12 63 $31.41

AngryPixie 16th June 2012 11:40 AM

Crowd Ratings June 16th
MORP Race 5
1 100 $2.97
2 84 $4.92
3 75 $7.79
4 62 $49.85
5 ---
6 84 $4.92
7 71 $10.52
8 75 $7.79
9 71 $10.52
10 60 $294.10
11 70 $11.53

MORP Race 6
1 100 $3.81
2 79 $7.94
3 67 $20.79
4 89 $5.24
5 84 $6.31
6 100 $3.81
7 74 $10.69
8 70 $14.80
9 60 $377.40

MORP Race 7
1 65 $34.22
2 75 $12.01
3 70 $17.78
4 75 $12.01
5 96 $5.08
6 100 $4.58
7 94 $5.38
8 100 $4.58
9 93 $5.54
10 76 $11.28
11 68 $22.01
12 60 $453.35
13 78 $10.05

MORP Race 8
1 95 $4.80
2 60 $416.60
3 79 $8.76
4 96 $4.67
5 100 $4.21
6 80 $8.33
7 ---
8 65 $31.44
9 97 $4.55
10 73 $12.68
11 ---
12 76 $10.36
13 72 $13.70
14 79 $8.76
15 77 $9.77
16 67 $22.95
17 80 $8.33

AngryPixie 16th June 2012 12:25 PM

Crowd Ratings June 16th
RHIL Race 6
1 88 $5.88
2 83 $7.14
3 95 $4.72
4 79 $8.61
5 86 $6.33
6 100 $4.13
7 96 $4.59
8 ---
9 81 $7.80
10 82 $7.45
11 68 $19.87
12 ---
13 74 $11.59
14 83 $7.14
15 ---
16 ---
17 73 $12.46
18 ---
19 86 $6.33
20 60 $409.25

RHIL Race 7
1 ---
2 ---
3 80 $6.86
4 100 $3.47
5 76 $8.53
6 ---
7 80 $6.86
8 ---
9 80 $6.86
10 90 $4.61
11 81 $6.54
12 ---
13 79 $7.22
14 87 $5.11
15 74 $9.72
16 60 $343.10

RHIL Race 8
1 78 $8.48
2 ---
3 86 $5.91
4 85 $6.14
5 90 $5.13
6 ---
7 90 $5.13
8 60 $382.30
9 74 $10.83
10 100 $3.86
11 88 $5.49
12 71 $13.68
13 ---
14 77 $8.96
15 ---
16 ---
17 ---
18 74 $10.83

RHIL Race 9
1 71 $13.94
2 100 $3.94
3 86 $6.02
4 ---
5 79 $8.19
6 ---
7 60 $389.65
8 ---
9 ---
10 89 $5.41
11 89 $5.41
12 88 $5.60
13 ---
14 ---
15 73 $11.86
16 91 $5.06
17 ---
18 82 $7.10

AngryPixie 16th June 2012 12:59 PM

Crowd Ratings June 16th
IPSW Race 5
1 91 $6.15
2 99 $4.90
3 60 $472.95
4 96 $5.30
5 86 $7.31
6 74 $13.40
7 100 $4.78
8 100 $4.78
9 86 $7.31
10 ---
11 96 $5.30
12 61 $137.09
13 79 $9.95
14 ---
15 73 $14.40
16 67 $26.06
17 87 $7.04
18 79 $9.95

IPSW Race 6
1 100 $3.44
2 76 $8.47
3 98 $3.62
4 ---
5 68 $16.54
6 83 $5.94
7 80 $6.81
8 63 $40.80
9 60 $340.65
10 60 $340.65
11 61 $98.74

IPSW Race 7
1 74 $10.27
2 83 $6.32
3 82 $6.61
4 78 $8.04
5 100 $3.66
6 89 $5.03
7 87 $5.40
8 87 $5.40
9 68 $17.61
10 67 $19.98
11 65 $27.37
12 76 $9.02
13 60 $362.70
14 66 $23.10
15 69 $15.74
16 75 $9.61

IPSW Race 8
1 ---
2 65 $18.31
3 83 $4.23
4 65 $18.31
5 71 $8.68
6 68 $11.78
7 72 $7.98
8 61 $70.33
9 67 $13.37
10 71 $8.68
11 64 $22.47
12 ---
13 68 $11.78
14 100 $2.45
15 61 $70.33
16 ---
17 62 $41.13
18 60 $242.65
19 60 $242.65

AngryPixie 16th June 2012 01:27 PM

Crowd ratings June 16th

BLMT Race 5
1 96 $4.56
2 100 $4.11
3 76 $10.12
4 82 $7.41
5 70 $15.95
6 66 $25.91
7 88 $5.84
8 98 $4.32
9 78 $9.02
10 60 $406.80
11 67 $22.41
12 72 $13.38

BLMT Race 6
1 ---
2 100 $3.69
3 ---
4 70 $14.32
5 82 $6.65
6 94 $4.33
7 94 $4.33
8 68 $17.73
9 77 $8.56
10 67 $20.12
11 75 $9.67
12 73 $11.12
13 60 $365.15

BLMT Race 7
1 100 $3.22
2 74 $9.03
3 84 $5.33
4 79 $6.70
5 67 $17.55
6 60 $318.60
7 85 $5.12
8 63 $38.16
9 80 $6.37
10 79 $6.70
11 ---
12 64 $29.50

BLMT Race 8
1 97 $4.68
2 93 $5.24
3 94 $5.09
4 89 $5.95
5 77 $10.06
6 100 $4.33
7 67 $23.63
8 88 $6.16
9 63 $51.36
10 67 $23.63
11 ---
12 77 $10.06
13 81 $8.18
14 60 $428.85
15 60 $428.85

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