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Mr barry 21st October 2010 02:55 PM

Originally Posted by moeee
I can only speak for myself, and I am adding up how much a dollar a win on the TAB would cost if I did in fact wager on all his animals, and to Tally up what the TAB would return to me had I done so.
Only pretend money though , because I don't trust people in Real Life , much less on the internet, that claim situations are as brilliant , or in your case Darky, as dire , and I figure I would be a bigger fool to do so than I already am.

But if the bloke did win, I would like to know how he did it so I could apply the reasoning to my studies.
No great loss to my situation really whether he does depart except for the entertainment value really.
And Darky, I not really much amused by your numerous posts, but I do appreciate that you help keep this Forum alive by doing so.

Letters and Numbers systems is silly because horses ain't been to school.
Trigger is the only horse what can count and Mr. Ed is the only one what can read and neither are Thouroughbreds.
Oh dear Moeee, you now show your colours again with your next post.
Moeee if you are betting still with the TAB mate either you are an absolute genius and most books have closed you down or an absolute fool like you state you are.
I think we all know the answer Moeee.

darkydog2002 21st October 2010 03:11 PM

Yeah I was a bit rude responding to his own rudeness.
I tend to take no prisoners in my responses.
I too wish him well and I too am recording the selections from today (flat stakes)
My initial thoughts are that there would need to be a very high strike rate to compensate for the prices but only time will tell.
In the meantime its all good fun in the recording and keeps the old brain active.

Mr barry 21st October 2010 03:26 PM

Post deleted. Flaming and defamatory.

moeee 21st October 2010 03:38 PM

Post deleted. Off topic.

Mr barry 21st October 2010 03:43 PM

Post deleted. Flaming.

partypooper 21st October 2010 04:30 PM

Day 3

Bets 59... Hits= 12....S/R 20.34%...Rets. 55.10 Win/Lose -3.9.. LOT 6.61%

Average price of winners = $4.49

2-300 bets would indicate expected profitability, but its about 1000bets when a bad day hardly causes a ripple on the stats.

And as I've said several times 1 bad day, or even a bad month should not cause too much concern after many thousands of bets with a proven plan.

Mr barry 21st October 2010 05:31 PM

Thank PP for your update mate, very helpful for you to do this for me.

And Darky I must appologise for going at you me old mate, hopefully we can put it behind us old pal and get on with winning.

darkydog2002 21st October 2010 05:41 PM

Good on you Mr Barry.

Mr barry 21st October 2010 07:23 PM

Will be no post of bets tomorrow as I am out of town.

wesmip1 21st October 2010 08:18 PM

Originally Posted by darkydog2002
What I,m saying is have REALISTIC expectations of what can be achieved on the punt.
In my earlier example of a $9825 TO /Profit $266 is 2.7 % on TO
The late Ian Barnes said He,d be ecstatic with a POT of 4 % but was never able to achieve that long term.
The Late Don Scott achieved 5 % longterm but in his day he was the very best.
Re Barry .He may have animosity towards me because after 44 years I know whats real and he cant yet accept that.He will in time I,m sure.
I,m sorry if I,ve burst his bubble but he,s not just the only one who reads this post and better to know now than be constantly striving to achieve the impossible.

I can show you several threads where people have made more then 4% over a lot of bets. Maria for instance. It can be done and it is done by clever people. Whether Mr Barry is one s still to be proven ... mayb he is ... more then likely he falls into the 95% of punters though but until I see a few hundred bets I won't make any judgement.

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