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AngryPixie 3rd March 2012 09:34 PM

Originally Posted by Mark
I'm reasonably sure that nobody took my advice but there you go.
My results?
Friday, 22 markets, won on 21.
Today, 33 markets, won on 25.
Just over 3% POT for very little risk.
Most races were no risk.

Nice well done, though you make it sound as if risk is a bad thing ;) :)

I simmed up four UK races last night using your beginners method. Won on the first then lost the next three straight. :D

Mark 3rd March 2012 09:35 PM

I didn't really get involved. Traded a few place markets, but was too busy building a book on the Interdominion.

Chrome Prince 4th March 2012 12:06 AM

Originally Posted by AngryPixie
Chrome, this is pretty much why I gave this away. Just became too frustrating to have finished virtually in the same place you'd started at when the end of the week came around. The journey during that week was one of incredible ups and downs, and over time it seemed to me that the ups where smaller and the downs bigger. Just doesn't fit with where I'm at. The margin's not big enough for me. Much prefer the destination to have been worth the journey.

I understand completely, no other band of winners does as much damage as a run of short favourites when laying the field to fixed liability. Added to that the market percentages have tightened up significantly.
You can limit this as outlined previously.

The Ocho 4th March 2012 08:47 AM

Originally Posted by Mark
I'm reasonably sure that nobody took my advice but there you go.
My results?
Friday, 22 markets, won on 21.
Today, 33 markets, won on 25.
Just over 3% POT for very little risk.
Most races were no risk.

I tried your beginner method Mark but I just couldn't get it happening. As they say, each to their own. ;)

Mark 6th March 2012 10:38 AM

Originally Posted by AngryPixie
Nice well done, though you make it sound as if risk is a bad thing ;) :)

As Maxwell Smart said (or maybe not) "If only he'd used his risk for niceness instead of evil".

I'm not completely against risk I just prefer the steady income without the ups & downs.

AngryPixie 6th March 2012 02:03 PM

Mark I can absolutely see the value of this type of method if it's income you're after. At my current stage in life I'm after growth so am willing to accept the risk that goes along with that.

As I suggested to Chrome earlier I gave the lay the field method away as I'd regularly see weekly bank balance swings of +/- 2 or 3k only to end up with $70-$80 for my troubles. That's not enough margin for me Chief.

AngryPixie 7th March 2012 12:03 PM

Originally Posted by AngryPixie
At my current stage in life I'm after growth so am willing to accept the risk that goes along with that.

I've been running a simulation since Sunday, playing around with banded staking (Maria). I'll wait till I get next Saturdays results and will post these up. Thought it might be of some small interest to show what I'm up to these days.

Chrome Prince 7th March 2012 01:21 PM

Originally Posted by AngryPixie
As I suggested to Chrome earlier I gave the lay the field method away as I'd regularly see weekly bank balance swings of +/- 2 or 3k only to end up with $70-$80 for my troubles. That's not enough margin for me Chief.

Hi Angry Pixie,

(lowers the cone of silence, and brings in Heimy).
KAOS has changed the SP market.
Heimi has been laying the field for me Chief, but KAOS has the claw (not the craw) to skim off the margins, hence Agent 13 (Angry Pixie) was only making $70 - $80 for his troubles.

So Max did a little investigation and asked K9 to sniff out the problem.
It seems Larrabee has been laying outsiders pushing the SP out on those horses.
K9 also reports that the massive swings comes from runs of favourites getting up.
They are profitable though, you just need to distribute the liability better.
Something along the lines of Mark's staggered staking.

For example, if there is an odds on favourite in the race and normally you'd lay the field to $30 liability. I lay every other horse to $60 liability, but only those in single figures, if there are any.

Siegfried has been doing this for a while and the rollercoaster smooths out considerably.

*TRIVIA: Don Adams father appeared in the episode "The not so great escape" as the oldtimer.

The Ocho 7th March 2012 01:28 PM

Hahaha. :D

Missed it by that much.

I hope I wasn't out of line with that crack about missing it.

Chrome Prince 7th March 2012 01:42 PM

Would you believe....?


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