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journich 24th August 2005 03:30 PM

Originally Posted by bluetown
Do you have a phone number ?
if so,
email me: blutownroks@shinyfeet.com
if you are serious on this project you posted.

email sent.

KennyVictor 24th August 2005 04:37 PM

Originally Posted by journich
Thanks for your reply, I'll keep plodding on and see what I can come up with!

If you could share any sources of useful free stat's that can be downloaded, I'd appreciate it... Post here or sent to journich@gmail.com. I've taken a look at the paid services, but they really do seem quite expensive. Obviously I know of tabonline, but there are bound to be others I havent found yet.

By the way when you say POTS - What does this stand for? I presume it's Nett profit but just curious as to what it stands for.


Profit on turnover. I'm probably using it wrong but it means (to me) that every hundred dollars I bet I get 109 back.

I started with waturf.org.au You can get past results on WA races going way back in a csv format. West aussie racing suited me. It wasn't corrupted by too many "outside" horses with form that I didn't have coming in and winning races. And not many heavy tracks which can throw a spanner in the works. Since then I've gone on to NSW races which you can get results for from racingnsw, also in csv format.

A word of warning, I don't know about results you pay for but there are mistakes in a lot of the free stuff I've downloaded from various places. I spend more time fixing data than I do working out ratings.

Best of luck,


journich 24th August 2005 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by KennyVictor
Profit on turnover. I'm probably using it wrong but it means (to me) that every hundred dollars I bet I get 109 back.

I started with waturf.org.au You can get past results on WA races going way back in a csv format. West aussie racing suited me. It wasn't corrupted by too many "outside" horses with form that I didn't have coming in and winning races. And not many heavy tracks which can throw a spanner in the works. Since then I've gone on to NSW races which you can get results for from racingnsw, also in csv format.

A word of warning, I don't know about results you pay for but there are mistakes in a lot of the free stuff I've downloaded from various places. I spend more time fixing data than I do working out ratings.

Best of luck,

Thanks for your help, and advice much appreciated.



Bhagwan 24th August 2005 07:43 PM

POT= Profit on Turnover

marcus25 24th August 2005 10:29 PM

Originally Posted by journich
Ummm really?
Thanks for stating the bleeding obvious! ha ha just kidding.


My irony must have been too subtle?
Why would anyone give me, you, or anyone else their secrets re. racing, if it works?

journich 24th August 2005 11:11 PM

Originally Posted by marcus25
My irony must have been too subtle?
Why would anyone give me, you, or anyone else their secrets re. racing, if it works?
If you call a sledgehammer subtle, then yes it was. There are heaps of reasons why people might give some secrets out.

Case in point. I contribute towards open source software development where I develop and give away a program for free. Why? I like programming and helping people. Technically it costing me to do this since I am not working on paid work to do it. Perhaps other people in this industry may do the same thing. Maybe not.

Who knows accumulating all our little tips and having the ability to analyse the information might collectively put us all in a better position than if we just kept our little secret to ourself.

bluetown 24th August 2005 11:19 PM

all things being mutual, welcome back !

If the architecture of a program is done in a certain way, no secrets are lost !
Just because we all get dealt the same deck of cards, does not mean we all have Aces. (Not countng the Joker/Wild card)

Meaning, if a race is is a race, then it's a race. Over all it's an object.
How that object is percieved may have many variations.
Then it's how one acts onto the object according to the allowable controls of the variations, pertaining to the object.
Default variable = 0 !

Chrome Prince 25th August 2005 12:08 AM

Yes, a program or database is a tool like any other tradesman's tool.

Give a hammer to a chippy and you have a beautiful two-storey house, give it to an accountant, and you have a sore thumb and some bent nails :D

bluetown 25th August 2005 05:34 AM

Yes CP
But both accountant and chippy had to work from the architects design in the first place.
The better of the architect's design, wins the contract.

blocka 27th August 2005 01:53 PM

journich,I use ********************.com for collecting my data. They have race results and horse history with all the horses starts.Don't be put off that some days you get lots of winners and some days none. It happens.Good luck with it.

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