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KennyVictor 6th September 2005 11:13 AM

Thanks for that info Marcus. In spite of my shock, dissapointment and almost disbelief I guess I'll just have to live with it. :-)


marcus25 6th September 2005 04:38 PM

Originally Posted by KennyVictor
Thanks for that info Marcus. In spite of my shock, dissapointment and almost disbelief I guess I'll just have to live with it. :-)


Hi KV! I can see you will get over your disappointment! LOL.
Re. Jocks, I follow Yendall in Vic. when riding in the bush, he can be value!
A few weeks ago I rushed out to the Tab at lunch time, saw his name on the list, 3 rides he had, put on 3 bets 2 won, upon checking the results in the evening, he never even turned up for the meeting, he was indisposed as they say. And this was at 12.30 Pm. The point being, that the jockey you are rating the night before or even in the morning, may not be the one loosing the race for you the next day!

KennyVictor 7th September 2005 01:16 PM

Originally Posted by marcus25
The point being, that the jockey you are rating the night before or even in the morning, may not be the one loosing the race for you the next day!

Don't you just love the random element? Without it those smart arses with computers would just clean up. Right I'm off to buy a lotto ticket.

punter57 7th September 2005 01:57 PM

Hi everyone. It's the trainer, not the jockey that counts. If the trainer's got the horse "ready" and the nominated jockey can't make it, rest assured the trainer will find ANOTHER "right" one. When Ari Banu won at 150s on 17/7/04 (BR5, see the jock's name in yellow) it had some jockey or other in the program but when it won, the racecaller was saying "that was a lucky pick-up for Galloway". Next day I read in the Sunday Mail that the trainer had had to beg Scott Galloway to ride it, saying "it's most definitely a better chance than the odds would have you believe. I've got $200 on it myself"!!!! Can't get much more "random" than that,eh??? Cheers.

KennyVictor 29th September 2005 01:49 PM

I started this thread as a result of being unable to determine which jockey would be riding which horse in any given race with just the internet as a resource. Since giving up in disgust towards the end of the thread I've discovered IAS have a reasonably up to date grasp of the jockeys. They don't have the apprentices allowances but today I heard a jockey change on the radio and less that five minutes later IAS had changed the jockey over in their race list.


crash 30th September 2005 05:25 AM

You have to join but it's free: http://www.**********.com/

One of the best race info. sources on the net.

crash 30th September 2005 05:36 AM

Now that is weird [above]. Management has obviously decided to filter out other race sites [now that's just silly], not just swear words. OK, so after the www you type in expert form.

We are here to share ideas and obvious info. source is going to be exchanged as well. Never seen this sort of censorship on this site before. I think it's a bit over the top.

dimboola 30th September 2005 08:28 AM

I like to use.........www.tabonline.com.au/today.htm

Its got about everything you need

KennyVictor 30th September 2005 11:55 AM

Thanks for those sites guys, I'll check them out next time I hear a jockey change and see which ones bother updating, and how quick.
Maybe we should adopt some sort of code to pass information back and forth in case the censorship gets any stricter.:-)


tailwag 30th September 2005 08:17 PM

Originally Posted by KennyVictor
Thanks for those sites guys, I'll check them out next time I hear a jockey change and see which ones bother updating, and how quick.
Maybe we should adopt some sort of code to pass information back and forth in case the censorship gets any stricter.:-)

How about a=1, b=2, c=3 etc. they will never crack that :-)

18-5-19-16-5-3-20-6-21-12-12-25 25-15-21-18-19

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