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Duritz 6th April 2006 08:43 AM

Yes indeedy....! But that ain't fun!!!

So, in the spirit of fun, and not necessarily in the spirit of winning, here's the sys bets for my A.S.S. today. (Absurdly Simple System):

6/04/2006,ball,Race 4,6,LUCKY RISE

You know what they say, one bet, one winner!

Stix 6th April 2006 10:00 AM

Originally Posted by Stix
Here is today's and tomorrow's selections
Ips 1-14 (2)
Sand 7-14 (2)
Sand 8-14 (7)

Ips 5-14 (2) 2ND 3.5
Sand 7-14 (2)
Sand 8-14 (7)

Duritz 7th April 2006 09:11 AM

AAhhh so close for my ASS system yesterday, one bet, one second!!

Here's todays:

7/04/2006,goul,Race 8,2,SIMPLY FAST
7/04/2006,cran,Race 2,7,IZZA MONO
7/04/2006,cran,Race 3,6,GOTTA DANCE
7/04/2006,gcst,Race 8,8,INSIDE KNOWLEDGE

Duritz 7th April 2006 05:51 PM

Originally Posted by Duritz
7/04/2006,goul,Race 8,2,SIMPLY FAST
7/04/2006,cran,Race 2,7,IZZA MONO
7/04/2006,cran,Race 3,6,GOTTA DANCE
7/04/2006,gcst,Race 8,8,INSIDE KNOWLEDGE

7/04/2006,goul,Race 8,2,SIMPLY FAST - UNP
7/04/2006,cran,Race 2,7,IZZA MONO - 1st, $6.30
7/04/2006,cran,Race 3,6,GOTTA DANCE - UNP
7/04/2006,gcst,Race 8,8,INSIDE KNOWLEDGE - 3rd ($5.00 place)

To date:

Bets: 10
Wins: 2
Colect: 9.6

partypooper 7th April 2006 09:16 PM

Sorry guys really busy to post yesterday and today though selections are easy to aquire. Todays were:SR1-2 lost, SR3-1 Won $7.80,SR6-1 Won $8.00,
BR1-2 Lost, BR4-1 lost, BR6-2 lost, BR7-1 lost, AR 3-1 lost, AR4-2 lost,AR6-1 WSon $2 AR7-2 lost, MR 5-1 lost, MR6-1 lost, MR7-1lost. MR 8-2 lost, MR9-1 Won $6.10,SRX 1-1 Won $3, SRX 2-2Lost, SRX 4-1 lost, Won $2, SRX 6-2 lost.

Out 21 units
in 26 .9units
= + 5.9 units,

Not too good yesterday with only 2 winners will post POT to date at the end of racing tomorrow.

PS Tomorrows selections (in advance) later but remember that they can alter depending on scratchings.

partypooper 7th April 2006 11:06 PM

Ok here they are, as you can see no shortage of action, though I haven't got time to follow through everyday, these results are TYPICAL, although I would never bet Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays normally.
MR2-2, MR 3-1, MR4-2, MR5-1, MR6-2, MR9-2, SR1-1, SR2-2, SR4-1, SR7-2, PR1-1, PR2-1, PR4-1, BR3-1, BR4-1, AR1-1, AR4-2, AR5-1, AR6-2, AR7-1, AR8-1.

MRX1-1, 6-2, 8-2
SRX 5-2, 7-2
OR4-2, 6-2
SRB 1-1, 4-2, 5-2

PS You will see MANY places with this system by the way.

Duritz 8th April 2006 11:15 AM

Cool thanks PP.

Anyone else, also feel free to join in!!

Here's my A.S.S. bets today:

8/04/2006,m v ,Race 7,10,SPECIAL VOYAGE
8/04/2006,chel,Race 1,4,ROXYS PRIDE
8/04/2006,chel,Race 8,2,KENSHOU
8/04/2006,geel,Race 5,2,UNDER THE CLOCKS
8/04/2006,geel,Race 6,9,ZIPARCHE
8/04/2006,doom,Race 3,4,FLICK N SPIN
8/04/2006,gcst,Race 2,11,GLOGIRL
8/04/2006,asct,Race 1,4,BRIGHT SAINT

Duritz 8th April 2006 07:07 PM

8/04/2006,m v ,Race 7,10,SPECIAL VOYAGE - UNP
8/04/2006,chel,Race 1,4,ROXYS PRIDE - UNP
8/04/2006,chel,Race 8,2,KENSHOU - 3rd
8/04/2006,geel,Race 5,2,UNDER THE CLOCKS - UNP
8/04/2006,geel,Race 6,9,ZIPARCHE - UNP
8/04/2006,doom,Race 3,4,FLICK N SPIN - UNP
8/04/2006,gcst,Race 2,11,GLOGIRL - UNP
8/04/2006,asct,Race 1,4,BRIGHT SAINT - 2nd


Stats now -

Bets 18
Wins 2
Collect 9.6

Losing a cool 52% on turnover. All right!

baco60 8th April 2006 07:32 PM

Bravo Duritz, you are doing well.
You wont listen will you, ************ hopeless.
Quick to criticise some one with good idea, look at you,
supposedly expert in racing industry, all this ideas are good for nothing. I bet you, you haven’t made a $ on betting horses in your life.
Bets 18,Wins 2.You are a champion
Go back to my Holy Grail post, read and read and you will make money.
Duritzzzz, me say you are nogoot,me say give it uppppp,
Or wake up to reality. Stick to your day job.
Aufidersan ,ariverdarchii nasvidanja. Comrade

partypooper 8th April 2006 08:56 PM

A good day today with 9 winners from 27 bets (after scratchings) and a great profit!

Here are the selections for tomorrow (Sunday)

BR3-2, BR5-1, BR8-2,SR4-2, SR7-1,MR5-1, MRX3-1, MRX4-2, MRX5-1,MRX6-1, MRX9-2, SRX3-1SRX4-1, SRx7-1, SRX8-2, oROR6-2, OR8-2, AR2-2, AR4-1, AR5-2, AR6-1, AR7-2,

22 bets but remember scratchings can cut out some bets and also add others.

Will do all the mathes tomorrow night!

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