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crash 2nd October 2006 05:12 AM

Originally Posted by Chrome Prince

Greed killed them

To stay alive in any industry, you have to be competitive with the opposition.

That what Coles and Woollies say about the corner store !

As for the bookies, I suppose Government regulations making it impossible for bookies to compete fairly [thereby pushing up the eventual float price when the TAB went private] had nothing to do with their decline [?]

Chrome Prince 2nd October 2006 09:44 AM

No it didn't in my opinion.

Why can't they compete crash?

They don't have the overheads.

I don't buy markets of 130% and even 140% is not plain greed.

My corner stores are flourishing, I get most of my produce from the little Italian fruiterer and the local Iraqi milk bar owner.

a) Because I support small business being a small business owner
b) I hate corporations
c) They charge fairly***

I'm quite happy to pay $1 or $2.00 extra not to have to wait in line like a robot, be greeted by name and receive first class service.

crash 2nd October 2006 10:21 AM

For most of us it will into our car and off to Walmart soon to buy milk, bread and just about everything else. Our friendly local fruit and veg. shop has recently closed and his prices were very competitive. Problem for him was he didn't control his retail prices [Coles and Wollies do].

The local Foodworks [coles] supermarket put him out of business because they could afford to seriously undercut him until he went broke.

Most people will follow prices because they have no choice, especially all the pensioners around here.

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