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crash 20th June 2007 01:07 PM


You didn't hint at you bet outlay. If your a $50 to $100 out of pocket a week mostly Sat. punter like most punters and don't want to be in front of a computer 5min. before each race, keep doing what your doing. No credit cards involved [that cost card charges for a start, self control and good money management]. Cash in and out of hand betting at TAB outlets or account is the way to go for small amounts of weekly outlay.

If your betting larger amounts and/or want to sit in front of a computer on Sat. Go Betfair. Away from computer go AIS or top fluc. with a bookie. Credit cards are involved.

If you drink on Sat., when betting, stick to cash in and out of hand regardless of your bet amounts. The few % difference here for the above bet outlets are not worth the bother.

Anyway, that my 2 cents worth of advice.

Usurper 20th June 2007 02:33 PM

Hehe good advice there Crash. Im an everyday punter (as long as my criteria are met), only 50-100 per day at this point while I build up, and while I would prefer to just put the races on at lunchtime, and then forget about them, I'm in a position where I can check the races throughout the day.

Also thanks for the big list there Jeff, I've spent the last couple of days looking at sportsbet, sportingbet, betfair, and the totes.

My conclusion at this point is that betfair gives much better odds than the others I've seen, but I need to be online and ready to grab a good price, which fortunately isn't a problem. Im going to try BetFair as my first online bookie, but their commission part is a bit ambiguous so if I don't like it I'll rethink that..

Thanks to all who replied so far, very appreciated.

downbylaw 20th June 2007 03:52 PM

Home, online, thru the phone, in the ring and at the tab covers me.

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