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Chrome Prince 2nd February 2008 09:09 PM

Nice work Mark ;)

Runs of faves....don't get me started :(

I reversed everything and cleaned up some damage ;)

michaelg 3rd February 2008 06:49 AM

Thanks, Mark.

The three accidents either won or ran second at their last start. I would presume that most selections in the $5 to $8 band would have placed at their last start.

Do you have a list of the other selections.

Mark 3rd February 2008 09:42 AM

All the lays Michael?, or just the 5-8's that were not originally listed as losers?

michaelg 3rd February 2008 10:46 AM

Just the $5 to $8. I'm hoping to see if there is any sort of consistency as it is intriguing because the method can be used in just about every race.

Mark 3rd February 2008 11:07 AM

BR3 2 Myagi
BR5 16 Wyreema
BR6 8 Romantic Journey
BR8 7 Bearcountry *
SR3 5 Delago Star *
SR5 8 Now Now
SR7 6 Stacked
SR8 7 Sumac
MR2 4 Pintsize
MR3 3 Arbitration
MR4 1 Zarita
MR5 1 Schilling
MR6 1 Apache Cat *
MR7 6 Moderato
MR8 4 Larson

3 from 15 which is worse than usual, as this method shows an 88% strike rate long term. I didn't look at Adelaide or any of the other meetings because I was just too busy.

michaelg 3rd February 2008 12:05 PM

Thanks, Mark.

From the 12 other selections there were only 4 that were unplaced last start.

There have been 3 races today that I have bet on the system. Two of them were returning from a spell. The first selection ran second at its last start and now placed. The second selection ran 7th last start and was now unplaced. The third selection ran second at last start but has now won the race.

I think I will now only look at those that didn't place last start, and maybe those resuming from a spell. If successful I will post here.

pengo 3rd February 2008 04:19 PM

Hey i'm interested in laying, just need to find an angle with the least effort ;)

Currently looking at jockey's strike and then a horses form.

Mark 8th February 2008 10:33 PM

Losers for 9/2/08.

SR2 1
SR4 2,5,6,7,8
SR5 1,2,5,6,9,10
SR6 4,8,9,10,11
SR7 1,8,9

MR1 3,4,5,6,7,11
MR5 2
MR6 9,10,11,12
MR7 2,3,5,9,11
MR8 9
MR9 4,6,7

BR2 10
BR3 1,2,4,8
BR4 2,7
BR5 2,6,7,8,9
BR6 4,5,8,9
BR7 1
BR8 2,3,8,9,11,12,14,17

Plus the first @5-8.

JoeF 9th February 2008 07:06 AM

Mark, shouldn't these be selections too, on the 1 in 6 win criteria?

Sr4 h9
Mr8 h14

Was actually thinking of putting up, in a different thread, my lays for the day on the time system I have, but don't know if it is worth the agro. What do you reckon?

Mark 9th February 2008 07:34 AM


Both have less than 10 starts so don't qualify.

Put up your lays, sure you'll get some knockers, but there are also some knowledgeable people here who will be able to tell you if your method is fundamentally flawed.

Todays start bank is $5073.

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