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AngryPixie 12th September 2009 10:14 AM

Originally Posted by Ill Get There
tried this last nite odds 6-8 any dogs uk and with out recovery got no where.
And what does this tell you?? ;)

On the flip side, we are living in exchange land. Nobody is forcing you to lay everything. There's always the 'B' word ;)

Ill Get There 12th September 2009 12:16 PM

Originally Posted by AngryPixie
And what does this tell you?? ;)

On the flip side, we are living in exchange land. Nobody is forcing you to lay everything. There's always the 'B' word ;)
im only a novice...it tells me the odds range is right!!...its only a test babe!!im digging isnt that how one finds thing..your not about to tell me your method..so ill find my comfort zone ..ta for the input tho..

Ill Get There 13th September 2009 06:30 AM

Recovery and stopping at a target again

many unsettled bes tho

False12 September 12:55 BST Donc
False12 September 13:05 BST FfosLMorgans Choice
False12 September 13:10 BST GoodSuruor Golden DesertSuruor|M6.00@5.206.00
False12 September 13:15 BST Curr
False12 September 13:15 BST ChestKumbeshwar
False12 September 13:25 BST Donc
False12 September 13:35 BST FfosLLean Machine Glen ShielLean Machine|M6.00@1.716.00
False12 September 13:40 BST GoodMac Love
False12 September 13:45 BST Curr
False12 September 13:45 BST ChestBab At The Bowster
False12 September 14:00 BST Donc
False12 September 14:05 BST FfosLJehu Dr MathiasJehu|M6.00@2.046.00
False12 September 14:10 BST GoodRockfella
False12 September 14:15 BST ChestSnoqualmie Girl
False12 September 14:20 BST CurrYeats Yeats|M3.07@7.40|M2.93@7.406.00
False12 September 14:35 BST DoncDuff
False12 September 14:40 BST FfosLMorocchius Ela Gorrie MouMorocchius|M6.00@4.906.00
False12 September 14:45 BST GoodMythical Blue Mythical BlueMythical Blue|M6.00@2.96-11.76
False12 September 14:50 BST Curr
False12 September 14:55 BST ChestDijeerr
False12 September 15:05 BST DoncManassas
False12 September 15:15 BST FfosLTimes Up Royal DiamondTimes Up|M11.88@5.4011.88
False12 September 15:20 BST Curr
False12 September 15:20 BST GoodTamagin
False12 September 15:30 BST ChestStolt
False12 September 15:40 BST DoncWhippers Love AziziWhippers Love|M11.88@5.5011.88
False12 September 15:50 BST FfosLHaajes
False12 September 15:50 BST Curr
False12 September 15:55 BST GoodManhattan Fox Manhattan FoxManhattan Fox|M6.00@2.28-7.68
False12 September 16:05 BST ChestDoubly Guest Mith HillDoubly Guest|M9.84@4.509.84
False12 September 16:15 BST DoncPrecision Break
False12 September 16:20 BST Curr
False12 September 16:25 BST FfosLScreaming Brave Chichen DaaweScreaming Brave|M0.06@4.60|M9.78@4.609.84

Ill Get There 15th September 2009 01:21 AM


again unsettled bets were a pain .

False14 September 13:10 BST RedcSecret Queen Secret QueenSecret Queen|M22.00@2.68-36.96
False14 September 13:20 BST MussMs Sophie Eleanor Clumber PlaceMs Sophie Eleanor|M40.48@6.4040.48
False14 September 13:30 BST LeicFilwa Bathwick GoldFilwa|M39.00@3.40|M1.48@3.4040.48
False14 September 13:40 BST RedcOn The Piste
False14 September 13:45 BST List
False14 September 13:50 BST MussDurham Reflection
False14 September 14:00 BST LeicTruly Magic
False14 September 14:10 BST RedcNavy List Navy ListNavy List|M22.00@2.28-28.16
False14 September 14:15 BST List
False14 September 14:20 BST MussIfatfirst
False14 September 14:30 BST LeicBuddhist Monk Buddhist MonkBuddhist Monk|M36.08@2.60-57.73
False14 September 14:40 BST RedcTwist Again VeiledTwist Again|M8.12@4.60|M19.29@4.60|M18.66@4.60|M8.48@4.6 0|M10.40@4.6064.95
False14 September 14:45 BST List
False14 September 14:50 BST MussFremen King Of The MoorsFremen|M64.94@2.4064.94

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