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lomaca 18th January 2010 08:03 PM

Originally Posted by beton
Thanks I can see that at this stage it may well be beyond me but I will try and try and try again. then yell help
Regards Beton

Just put into system builder, won on distance and track, that's all!
I may have made it sound complicated before.

beton 18th January 2010 09:31 PM

lomaca Hi
Just got the answer back from Neale. ****"Sorry but this sort of combination of rules can't be applied."****
Putting T C or D in just picks up that the selected horse has done so. but it fails to find the crux of Partypooper's PLUM MOVERS SYSTEM The lowest weight horse that has "D" along side it.
Regards Beton

Michal 19th January 2010 05:51 AM

As a long time user of Bet Selector , I think that it is a great product, not so much because of what it is, but because of what it allows users to do with only a very minimal programing skils. While the PPM cant be programed into the system selector module, the program also generates a csv data sheet for todays runners, that I think has all the information you need. Further you can always access the data tables themselves, and so have access to the entire database.
I have writen many programs that interface with both the CSV and the database, so it can be done. There are many other beneficial functions. Depending on your needs the fom can be as little as 30 per month for 5 start all TAB meetings to 10 start ALL meetings + NZ + HK + Steward comments for $55 per month. Neales decision of not encripting the databases makes this a great and afordable DYI program which as a result has limitless potential.

PS I have no financial affilition with ****.


beton 19th January 2010 12:47 PM

Food for thought, and still beyond me. I have still got my training wheels on for Bet Selector and excel. But I will learn anything that I see value in.
Regards Beton

lomaca 19th January 2010 02:20 PM

Originally Posted by beton
Food for thought, and still beyond me. I have still got my training wheels on for Bet Selector and excel. But I will learn anything that I see value in.
Regards Beton
Hi I reloaded betselector to have a look at the rules, and you are right, it's not possible to do this directly, the closest you get is if you do separate individual systems by selecting the won on distance and track only AND set the min and max Tab number to say 24 to start with, run the system and do it again with with 23 and so on, doing this will give you near enough the same result but for different TAB numbers.
Takes a while but should be Ok
Make sure no other restricting criteria is set.

What Michael said is OK but if you could do that you wouldn't be asking this.
There is a far simpler method accessing the database directly, but needs some database knowledge.

Nothing wrong with not knowing only not wanting to learn, is a bit of a problem.

Good luck

beton 19th January 2010 03:36 PM

Hi Great thinking but this will not get THE lowest weight (or Number ) with d for THE race. It will but will also pick all the other "d's" as you go up. I just figured that it was an easy way to access the database and eliminate a lot of the misses. It is a manual KISS system. Regards Beton

Gnarkley 19th January 2010 04:43 PM

Outsider Plan.
.Dist 1350-1450

.Selections are the 2 horses in the race with the 2 widest barriers after scratchings are known.

.We are betting 2 horses in the same race at level stakes.

.Bet .5% of bank on each Horse.
Good for 100 outs.

G'day Bhagwan,

Is this good for anywhere anytime or are there some restrictions?


Bhagwan 19th January 2010 11:50 PM

No restrictions.

7 days a week.

Try not to use form judgement because that's when they tend to get up with horrible form lines & huge prices, you will say to yourself that there is no way in a million years I would have picked that.

The longest theoretical run of outs, at 20%, is 31 ,before the next winner is struck.
We are treating the 2 horses a race, as 1 bet which means that 31 races max losing run .

You can include NZ races as well. (optional).

If you wish to experiment with field sizes you might like to have a free play around with an interactive form analysis program called...
Online System Creator (Google)
10 runners exactly
Between Barriers 9 & 10

You should have hours of fun experimenting with angles that may show a profit.

Gnarkley 21st January 2010 01:50 PM

Thanks Bhagwan,
Just what I was looking for, fun and profit.

Michal 22nd January 2010 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by beton

Hi All
The question must be asked although the system is a KISS system and obviously a manual system. Can this be programmed into Bet Selector? and how? This then allows backtesting and tuning if required. No offence Partypooper I believe it pays and well, otherwise i would not have asked the above question.
Regards Beton

That shouldn't be a problem at all. If you look in a "horse.dbf" (you have to open it in a database programme, or Excel) in the Price folder, you should find a field named something like "tds, tdw" and "ttrck, trckw" these are fields that show the horses runs and wins on the distance and tracks, if you find them, then I'm sure you can put them into Bet S. system builder.
Can't see why Neil should have changed the database?
(I haven't used Bet S. for many many years, maybe it changed a bit)
Good luck

He dosent actually need to do horse dbf at all, infact I would discourage anyone to play around with those unless they know what they are doing. Bet selector produces a CSV file . Then a simple small program is needed that processes the whole day giving the selections in about 10 seconds for the whole day. Acurately, consistently. If beton wants to persue this he can find my contact details on cyberhorse betselector forum.

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