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tedbluegum 5th July 2010 08:39 AM

Easy Method
Hi Wesmip1

Thanks for your reply. If you dont ask then you never get anywhere. Be happy to get it privately if thats ok. Just asking.


Shaun 5th July 2010 09:53 AM

You could do this with an API product that interfaces with excel then create an excel sheet that imports tab prices and does the maths for you and lays the bets on betfair.

tedbluegum 5th July 2010 10:07 AM

Not getting any easier..lol
Hi Shaun

Thanks for for suggested help... Its ok if you are IT savy and can do as you suggest but thats not me.

Suggestions to purchasing a product that I can use to do the same job please.
Or if a forum member has a similar product to share.


Shaun 5th July 2010 10:16 AM

Gruss software

Monthly subscription of about $12 and you could use the prices from virtual Formguide

wesmip1 10th July 2010 09:45 AM

I posted this "system" Saturday morning last week. This week my program had the folllowing bets:

919 Bets for 71 winners (or accidents as Michaelg calls them). Profit after commission was 172.05 units. At $5 bets this returned $860.25 (after commission) for the week. Turnover was $4595.

Actual returns you recieve may differ due to the price you lay the winners but would have been close.

wesmip1 10th July 2010 09:49 AM

Profit breakdown per day this week:

Saturday : $354
Sunday : $338
Monday : $-17.25
Tuesday : $-79.25
Wednesday : $114.75
Thursday : $241.75
Friday : $-91.75

As you can see you don't win everyday but overall its up for the week.

TheSchmile 10th July 2010 10:33 AM

Hi wesmip1,

Those results look very promising.

Thanks for your post and your win system yesterday!

I'm finding your posts extremely interesting, so best of luck and may your edge long continue!

The Schmile

Shaun 14th July 2010 03:27 PM

I have spent today setting up an automated system for these bets using a combination of Gruss Software and the RTO from the VFG service, i am not sure how different these ods would be from sky racing or the tabs but this is the easiest for me to setup.

I will be testing this from tomorrow.

wesmip1 14th July 2010 04:53 PM

I expect the RTO fro VFG should be close (if not identical).

I suggest starting small as a bad run can hurt.

Good luck with it and congrats on setting it up.

Bhagwan 14th July 2010 11:57 PM

Hi Tedblugum,
I have a sophisticated program that does the same thing.
It works a treat.
You can have it for only a grand.
Only 1 will be made available.

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