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bernie 27th April 2012 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by moeee
Bernie.Do you post in any other Forums?
No moeee I don't.

Just as a matter of interest, I am looking at a system that was posted in this forum many moons ago.

Okay, only 43 bets so far, so too early to get excited, but a SR of 46.5% and a POT of 91%. Averages about 2-3 bets per day. No progression I might add. It's systems like this that keep me going. My best system ran for nearly 300 bets before it bombed out.

Bhagwan 27th April 2012 06:20 PM

I'm trying to help you chaps with the good oil & that's the thanks you get.
Without even testing it.

But that's alright.
Just send us a sample of your bets & we will go from there.
There must be 22% SR with a min price 3.20

Just as well I haven't any feelings.

Certain staking plans can work in the right hands.

Not even level stakes works, if one cant pick winners.

moeee 27th April 2012 06:37 PM

I'm done.
I've had enough holidays lately.

how about u Bernie?
u got anything about that hot system u testing to wet our beaks a little?

bernie 27th April 2012 06:41 PM

Originally Posted by Bhagwan
I'm trying to help you chaps with the good oil & that's the thanks you get.
Are you saying that all your staking plans ( I only presented a sample of them here; ones that were easy to find) are all the good oil?

bernie 27th April 2012 06:45 PM

Originally Posted by moeee
how about u Bernie? u got anything about that hot system u testing to wet our beaks a little?
Nah sorry moeee 3 loses out of 3 today. Forum curse maybe?

Tomorrows another day though.


moeee 27th April 2012 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by bernie
Nah sorry moeee 3 loses out of 3 today. Forum curse maybe?

I suggest more likely an extraordinary strike rate and profit simply levelling out in the direction of where it should be.
Plus - the Forum curse usually only applies when the actual tips are posted.

Bhagwan 27th April 2012 07:26 PM

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2 2 2w@5.60
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4w@6.70
4 4 4
5w@5.70 .....+1.50
1 1 1w3.80
1 1 1w@6.00....+5.30

Level stakes
O/L 33.00
Ret 27.80
Loss -5.20 = 16% LOT

Escalator staking plan
O/L 71.00
Ret 76.30
Prof +5.30 = +7.5% POT

Selections came from todays (Fri 26th) Radio TAB tipsters top 2 & taking the greater price of the 2 if priced 3.20-7.00

bernie 27th April 2012 07:36 PM

Originally Posted by moeee
I suggest more likely an extraordinary strike rate and profit simply levelling out in the direction of where it should be.

Yep possibly could be. Time will tell.

night night.

embee 8th May 2012 10:36 PM

what about you moeee were you on another forum in jan feb 2008 ..haha long time ago ..hope you well ..embee

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