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Star 26th July 2012 08:32 PM

I should come in here more often too. Bit heavy over there.

moeee 26th July 2012 08:34 PM

Originally Posted by Star
And to think that a thread of mine just got closed down and someone got.-- oh never mind.


Its the unknowns that make selecting the winner so difficult.
And when the knowns appear to be unknown as well , then it is that much more difficult.

Star 27th July 2012 05:53 AM

Sorry to get you offside with management, Moeee.

Was not my intention.



I like your quote. How true. It is where I am at now!

moeee 27th July 2012 09:13 AM

Originally Posted by Star
Sorry to get you offside with management, Moeee.

I like your quote. How true. It is where I am at now!

What other people do is their concern Star.

I am about to make an effort to modify my behaviour based on some books I have ordered.
Not one of those turn $100 into $100,000 books.
Although the writer suggests that he expects a Profit of 30% on Turnover and that seems way too high , but I will give it a burl when they arrive.

darkydog2002 27th July 2012 01:30 PM

30 % 0n TO = Another BSA 1/4 of that your in clover.

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