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moeee 6th September 2012 01:08 PM

So Ianian , are you achieving anything remotely like what you posted?

ianian 6th September 2012 01:34 PM

I wish
No the best I have been able to achieve in the past has been 6% on turn over but given points won and considered risk I was never happy with this and had better thing to do with my time and money. But currently own no shares or property and may not for a while so over the last year have decided to return to racing to occupy my mind and time.

I have a fav system I used for a few years did alright and will post rules after exploring current B.F/C system on other post. But have two current systems that show great potential but as some says if its still goes to the track it’s not yours. To me racing is a business with its own risk and so long as you manage that risk it can be quite fun, it only gets boring once you have created the plan because it should become rinse and repeat just turning over money with out doing any damage to anything else you do and as I make more money doing other things in this case interest which is as boring as it gets. So I always start with a small bank by my comparisons- as you remember a lot better if you use real money. So if what I am doing now pans out and makes enough to keep my interest I will make the time to pursue it if not. I am also a fan of things you can do on the internet such as investing because it can be done from anywhere.

Shaun 6th September 2012 02:04 PM

I am worried for a few on here who have no real idea of what expectations they should have.

moeee 6th September 2012 02:09 PM

Thank you for your answer Ianian.
Is good to read something that appears an honest appraisal of a fellow members travels , instead of the unsubsustantiated claims made by many.

moeee 6th September 2012 02:11 PM

Originally Posted by Shaun
I am worried for a few on here who have no real idea of what expectations they should have.

I am worried , (not really - its their affairs) , for a few who neither understand nor care about their expectatations.

Lord Greystoke 6th September 2012 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by Shaun
I am worried for a few on here who have no real idea of what expectations they should have.

Hi Shaun, if I may ask... what is your view on the 5-10% target?

The question was loosely framed around one's bank remaining intact from the point of view of cash losses and/or withdrawals ie there would be none.

One might call it a regular income that is generated and capitalised to the bank over time and currently closer to the 10% mark.

Cheers LG

garyf 6th September 2012 02:35 PM

Originally Posted by Lord Greystoke
Curious as to people's thoughts on the following Q...

How does a return on investment of 5-10% sound to you for the year?
OR put another way, POT = 10% with the bank turning over x1 ?

This would be net of commission, tax etc



Cheers LG
What's your opinion on this L.G? .

Any of the above one word answers,
Will do just fine.


embee 6th September 2012 02:38 PM

i note selection service yesterday claimed they could get 10% pot for year but need .wait for it . 25K FOR BANK do we all have that sitting around ..myself working on chrome prince selections for 20% profit win only but includes greyhounds ( did i hear him fall off chair ) 4 bets 4 wins since monday ..cheers all ..embee

AngryPixie 6th September 2012 03:02 PM

Originally Posted by Lord Greystoke
I take your point regards professionals.

The reality for most (95%?) of 'punters' however would be taking a LOT of 75-100% over time?

Sorry may have misread the question. If you're asking if I had $1000 could I turn it into $1100 in a year of punting - yep absolutely no problems at all. Many of us here would be $100 up on a $1000 bank at some point over a 12 month period using sensible bets. Maintaining the $100 profit if you can't stop at that point is more problematic.

Vortech 6th September 2012 03:07 PM

You have to also remember the POT can be affected by the compound affect.

From the few of professional punters that made 100K last financial year, many of the bets were around $1.00 but with many many races each week with several bet types.

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